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the finest exalnples of tirnl.rcr grolr-iug irr the Unitctl States.

\{ost forest ()\\rrrcr.i ln ci...,Jon""nrl \\'lishing-t.tt tron' talie decent care of tl'reir latrcl as long as thcv ou't.t it. lTol- long they will hold it;l'hat its futttrc p1;rcc irr titrrlrcr- grol-irrg will bc many rlo not vct attempt. trt :tltstver.

But the change from thc old olrlcl to cttt,,,11 ;1nd move on docs not st()p there. Nt'xt stelr is the tlee iernr, llr ttt-t'a big or little u'hich i.i put iuto tlrt: brtsirrcss of grorl'ing tinrlrer. Trec iarnrs arc {orerttnne t-s oi srtstairrecl r'ie1d irt lrtn-rber or pulp production-thc iclelLl oi stablc folest managcmcnt reached in thc Old World.'l-htt,v arc hcrc in the J)otrglas fir region. Some are the 30,000 or '10.000 acre holdings of large owncrs rvho are shaping 111) a, pcl'trtanettt forcst itrdustry. Many are small are:rs oi regr61f i11- lancl. Sorne of these are pooled into cooperativc trec farttls tttrdcl expert management.

The tree farm completes the changc ir.r the forest outlook of West Coa.it lumbernren. Witlr thc trcc farut. timber cropping has arrivcrl-not by chancc or acciderrt ltrrt :rs part of the industrl.'s job. Their nrrnrl)cf is grorving; arrd they will more ancl more bc centcrs of intensir-c fire cotttrol, tree planting, and other cultura.l lrlethocls.

Many are corcert.a l.JnuL tl. ,,'t"".rrrrnblc tte'tv gro*'th of Dorrglas fir is sti11 belou' the rate at u'hich oid timber is being cut.

There is little or no nct gro.,vtlr irr the virgirr forest.; of Douglas fir. Sorne trees are gr, ru itre-, otltcrs are rotting ancl dying. l,fost of tl-re virgin tinrber is nrore like a pilc of Iurlber, rvaiting to be carted off, than a {orcst in the sense (C'orrlirrrre<1 orr I'age 26)

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