2 minute read
Seeing and Booking Lumber Needs
You should know your territory like a bo,ok, Mr. Lum'ber Merchant.
You should see it, not ,only with the eye, but with the imagination.
For instance, you know many men who day after day lift up'the broken front gate. Habit prevents them fr,om thinking of it. They have lost the first inrpression of repairing. In {act, they are PASSIVE about that gate.
If the first impression could be revived, or their atten,tion called to that gate, they would be in the market for a new one-or for repairs.
The gate suggestion is merely an example.
It ap'plies 'to scores of other things in your community fhat come under the eye of the man who is actively searching for such things.
There is the man lvho does not realize that his home needs painting; the man who doesn't realize that his barn is in bad order; the rnan who is keeping some of his valuable machinery out in the weather for u'ant of cover space; the man vvho needs a corn crib; the man whose stock has outgrown his builclings, but hasn't enlarged his builclings ; the man who needs irnprovements of various kinds, carl afford them but hasn't thought of buildinig them ; etc, etc.
HERE is your big selling field. It is your opportunity for intensifying your,local business.
Simply begin doing THE BUILDING AND REPAIR- it is YOUR job to call his attention to these things so that he may secure satisfaction and have his UNKNOWN \\TANTS attendecl t<,r.
These indications that have been mentioned simply mean to YOU that you have something that is needed, but has been forgotten, or not thought of in the firs't place.
Is there anything unreasonable about these suggestions ?
We kncrv one retailer who keeps two men in the field all the time just cligging up THE UNKNOWN WANTS of the people of his community so that his sales department may try and supply them.
As a matter of fact, in THIS direction is there grea'ter possibility for increasing your business than by just catering to the prospects who KNOW they want something, and corne af'ter competitive bids?
But it's just like anything else in the world, it de'pends upon the brains and energy you invest.
And with the proper investment it pays mightily.
White Leaves For Havana
F. C. White, General Manager of the Union Lumber Co. at Fort Bragg, has left for Havana on a pleasure trip. He will make the trip through the P;anama Canal on the President Harrison. After a sojourn in Havana, he will leave for Florida, rn'here he rvill r.nake a short stay. He also plans on visiting New York City oME builders today insist on harrnonious color designs and the emphasis of line effect. You've noticed it. color-Thatch is easy to sell because of its beauty, durability and econorary. Your customers will recogttize its rnerits. Do not be without Color-Thatch. It will be a real rnoney rnaker for you. Write for our dealer proposition and cornplete inforrnation.
And so you have Color-Thatch. It is our tradenarne for cornb grain (quarter sawn) red cedar shingles of perfect grade specifications, entirely stained and inpregnated with Cabot's Creosote Shingle Stain, through our special process.
No need to a sk why we use cabot's stain. For half a century it has been the standard quality by which all shingle stains have been judged.
Santa Fe Lurnber Co. San Francisco.