3 minute read
Happenings in Hoo-Hoo Land Doings
and Sayin$s of Tom
Los Angeles District To Hold Concat Concat At Sacramento March 15
The Sacramento Valley district is planning a concaten-
The Los Angeles Cats believe in doing it up brown. No- ation for M,arch 15. Mr. Harry Fuller o{ I,odi, Vicegerant, tices have gorie out announcing a two-"day trip to Santa announces-that they are.putting over a big one and-that Barbara, *i.r" they will stafe a combined concatena- the rest of fhe state will have to get a hump on to keep tion, taiing in kitte;s from th"e Ventura, Santa Barbara up with their crowd' andLosAngelesdistricts.Thedinnerwi11beatthelArlington HJtel at O,sb, S"totday the 17, this followed by I
Jthe C"oncatenation. Rooms have been reserved {or every- / W.g have just received word that the San Joaquin_Valone, and they will have breakfast at,the Arlington. J ley.district_will_hold a concatenation on March 10, at Fres-
This promises to be an interesting affair. I{atty of the no in the Woodmans H'all'
Cats a.e taking their wives, who wilf be entertained in the C. D. Lemaster, senior Hoo-Hoo will be present at this ball room whiTe the Concat is on. meeting, and Vicegerant Snark A. W. Bernhauer, is in
The golf tournament will start at 1 :30 sharp on the ch3_r_ge- of all the arrangements. La Curibre course, the entrants will compete foi various With three concats_already arranged for March and posprizes that the committee has provided. libly more to come, this will be a big month for Hoo-Hoo, ' Committes in charge are: Ed. Tenant, Chairman Com- in California' lrl tLLgE ull r \l l all<trrrlllrJ r\vr!rruvr Ftr I ___ __ Membership Cominittee; Byrne S. Barker, Chairman En- /
FRED coLDrNG rs soME
-Snark wlliams appointed- Fred Goldits to ggt 9n show at the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo luncheon, March 8th. t
And we walnt to say that the Snark i'
The meeting broke up at 2 p. m. and was a large suc- rnittee on Arrangements; H. L. Rosenberg, Chainnan cess. Fred staged a debate between Dave Woodhead and Bush Bookstaver that was a knockout. Dave argued as a Pessimist that the market w'as due for a bust and that the wholesalers had better make one large bunch o'f hay in the next two weeks. Bush came back at him as an Optomist pointing out that the traffic was fine for all wholesalers 'and ihat as long as they could s,lip over an occasional cargo at fifty cents over the market they had no ki'ck coming. It was a draw.
Prof. David Roth, memory expert had the floor for about a half hour and the bunch hated to see him quit. Roth nam.ed every man around the table, with no more coaching than hearing the introductions at the start of the meeting-
Mr. J. Andrews, Vice President of the Citizens National Bank, Los Angeles, made a very ,interesting talk on market and general conditions
Evlry week in every way these meetings get better and better.
By Jack Dionne
Not long age I piloted a cou'ple of youthful Texas lumbermen around the city of Los Angeles, showing the'm some of the marvelous new home additions that are found everywhere

They had come looking for building iDEAS to take home with them, and they exhausted their complimentary adjectives during the first couple of hours, and then "just looked" at the perfect riot of architectura,l plans being incorporated into homes
Four or five hundred small homes, every one a gem
We have ready for prompt shipment from our Bay Point, Cal., plent, a conciderable quantity of
And Wider
No. 1 and 2 Clear Cedar, either rough
in appearance, beauty and attractiveness, no two alike, grouped together in a single district-and many, many such districts.
But the thing that impressecl them most-and myself xl5e-y,'25 a window in a real estate window in Hollywood. That window caught ,our eye compellingly.
Ranged side by side in tha"t window t'here were thirteen rlode.ls of homes, done in clay, in minature, each model being probably ten or twelve inches square.
Not only the home itself was modeled, but the yard, the shrubbery, the walks, etc. Most o,f the m,odels showed the 'homes on hill sides, adding to the,attractiveness. All were in colors, and ,a,ll in different .colors.
And in front of each model lay a card showing the, detailed floor plan of that particular home.
There was a complete diversity of styles, colors, shapes and sizes in these modeled homes.
We gazed, admired-{rankly and outspokenly. Had we seen no farther we l.vouJd have said that so,me combined architect-sculptor had made them.
And then we noticed a neat sign back of them wh,ich read :
"These ,rtrodel homes and plans were ntade by the Home Planning and Decorating Class of The Hollywood High School."
And there was a pictrrre of the 'class, ancl they were mostly girls.
And a young lurnbennan from San Antonio turned to mc in wide amazement and said:
"Good Lord ! What chance have WE to keep up with these folks in building ideas, when they tea,ch it to their kids in school ?"
An Echo Of The February Sixth Golf Tournament
No names mentioned in this.
_ Nasty rumors of loss of memory when ,counting.strokes has brought out the following.
One very close foursome on the fifteenth green; one said to the next high man, "How many."
The reply was, a confident-"Eight."
This brought out "Eigh,t H,ell, I watched you in the bunker and counted nine."
He must have been a sash and door man, for Jhe reply was "THEY WERE NOT STROKES, I WAS KILLING A SNAKE.''