2 minute read
ThlkRedwood This%ar
,-caPitalize on neu) demand for tbis quality ttood,
There's a powerful upward swing in demand foi California Redwood. D"eal, ers everywhere teport it.
Take advantage of this new interest. Be ready for it. Build new volume ,grea? er profits.
Tell your patrons more about Red, wood. Emphasize its amazing durabili, ty, its strength compared to weight, its easy workabilty and economy.
Government tests endorse it. Rank Redwood first among other Pacific Coastbuilding woods irithese and other important qualities.
So specifv Redwood confidentlv. Relv on it for qualipy and dependability.Make greater profits this y?ar,-by talking X r ^r fteclwooo.
Jack Ellis Announces Change
J. C. (Jack) Ellis, for the past two years Southern California manager for the Santa Fe Lumber Company, dropped a bomb shell into the ranks of the Southern California lumbermen, the other day, when he announced his retirement from the company, to enter other business, in the Bay District.
fn commenting on his change, Jack stated he felt a keen regret at severing a connection that had been as pleasant as his rvith the Santa Fe Lumber Company, and particularly with the manager Mr. A. J. Russell.
He intends going back to his former home, San Francisco, and entering the lumber game on his own hook. Definite plans have not yet been arranged.
Mr. Ellis will be replaced in Los Angeles by Mr. B. L' Burlingame, well knorvn to all Southern California lumbermen.
Incorporation papers have been filed for the Channel I-umber Company. Santa Barbara, for $100,000. This is the yard sold by Alley Brothers, last month, and the' officers of the Channel Lumber Company are L. M. Meyer. C. T. Donovan and I. L'Heureux.
Dissolve Partnership
H. W. Melrose, R. R. Bittinger and E. H. Stewart, who for the past six years have operated the Gardena Lumber Company and the Athens Lumber Company, have just announced the dissolution of their partnership.
Mr. Bittinger is retiring from the business, Mr. Stewart takes over the Gardena plant and Mr. Melrose the yard at Athens.
Millwork Institute to Meet at Stockton
The next convention of the Millwork Institute will be held at Stockton. on the 26th and 27th of. this month, according to announcements just mailed by Managing-Director H. T. Didesch of Los Angeles.
Complete prcigrams are being mailed early in the week of March 15th.
Mr. W. F. O'Keefe of Roberst & O'Keefe is general chairman of the affair and is taking hotel reservations.
"Advertising to Farmers"
Practical suggestion from an editorial by L. S. Gillham Company, Los Angeles Advertising Agents:

The first rule in advertising to farmers and their families is "Never talk down." Patronizing the reader is so apparently undesirable that this warning might seem unnecessary. Yet it is surprising how many able advertising men, reflect in their agricultural ".opy" a false sense of superior- ity which they personally feel toward readers whom they inaccurately visualize as "rubes."
The modern farmers is not a rube. He is very little different in most of his "reactions" from the average city business man. And as for farm women and young people-here in California, at least-it would be difficult, if not impossible, to pick out the_ farm people from the city residents in any average crowd.
But this does not mean that any style of advertising copy is suitable for addressing the farm market.
The message, if possible, should be couched in terms familiar to the readers. Or, the illustration may carry the agricultural "atmosphere." This is suggested for the'same
.(Continued on Page 63.)