7 minute read
How California Sunshine and Snow and Brains and Courage are Building An Industrial Empire
The other day the [.os Angeles Hoo Hoo Club saw and heard an illustrated industrial lecture that is more interesting than any otter industrial lecture is or could possibly be, to a bunch of California business merL orrrchasins one on trial, has purchased thirteen additional carriers, riaking a total of fourteen Gerlingers in one plant'
For it told and showed the mightiest work that men have ever attempted in California, the performance of which should be an inspiration to every ambitious businecs man.
The spealrer told a straightforward simple stor5r, illustrated by a moving picture. The subject was the development of electri"al po*er in^the High Sierra Mountains by the Southern California Edison Companv. -And it was a real thrill as well as a *ottder, an education, .and an inspiration.
Because lumbermen, when you preach to them minor suggestions for their own businesE, are usually doubters. And it does them good t9 see big things done by men of ambi- tion, brains, and determination in OTHER lines of business.
Every business man in California should see_tho_s_e^pictures and hear trhat story told.
Did YOU know that this project tih"tt "o-- pleted -will be the biggest and most costly industrial project ever-attempted in the wJrld's history, bigg,er than the Pananra Can{ mak- ing the building of the Egyptian Pyramids seem lil(e child's play in co.rparison? yet such is a fact. When finished the iob wiII cost more than the Panama Canal, atra inflrrit"ty Inore than any corporation iob in the woildt history.
Dld you Lnow that they start over ten thousand feettigh in the mountains, and begin harnessing the waters of_ the San JoaquiriRirrur, transformin_g it intg electrical powei and they carrying it hundreds of miles-to furnish lighi and power for every conceiveable human enterprise?
Did you know that they use tfiat ri,Ee water over and over again, making it drive a set of turbines at the top, then impounding it agaiq a little farther down, and making it drive another set, and then another, and anolher. until when finished this Earne water witl be us€d more than a dozen times to furnish light and power in California.
They use it like the modern bank uses money, loaning the same money over and over again.
_ Did you know that not only do they use the water in the great natural watersheds of the San Joaquin, but that they drive great tunnels under mountain rangeE, and bring into the San Joaquin watershed huge quantities of water from other watersheds, that would otherwise find its wav to tihe ocean hundreds of miles north of where it finally does meet the sea?
Did you lrnow that the longest tunnel in the world has recently been cornpleted by this company for thus diverting a huge quantity of water into this waterahed? Fact. It is fourteen miles lottg. l.onger than the tunnel under the Alps.
_ Did you ever stop to think that even though all the coal mines and oil fields of the *oild played out, C_alifornia will always have plenti- ful power so long as the sun suchs up the water from the Pacific, and deposits it in snow upon the huge breasts of the Sierras?
God has been good to California. Has blessed her more than any other spot on tfie civilized _globe, But men are enhancing the work of Providence by doing such wonders as these.
T"uIv there is no stopping California.
(Continued from Page 54.)
One of the fiist Gerlinger Hydraulic Carriers sold was to the Pacific Spruce Corporati,on, Toledo, Oregon. This carrier has been in continuous operation for three years and a large part of this time running continuously from two-to threiei!'ht hour shifts per day. The Jact that this carrier is still dn the job and working as go,od as when new is evidence of its durabilitv. The Paaific Spruce Corporation have purchased two additional carriers since the installation of the first machine.
Another customer who is operating seven Gerlingers w'rites as follows : "\Me haven't had $50'00 expense on the last carrier you shipped us which is a year old now. Our exDense for- the last month did not reach $50.0O for the whole seven machines. These machines are almost three years old now and we are having less trouble with them ihan we did at first."
The sales of the Gerlinger are handled direct -by the Dallas Machine & Locomotive Works, Dallas, Oregon; Mailler Searles, Inc., San Francisco, California, and The Metalweld Service Corporation, Philadelphia, Pa. The carriers are delivered over the highways, or by rail, or by water shipment out of Portland, Oregon.

"I am opening a yard for myself at Sutter, an-d- of course cannot get ilong without the Lumber Mer-. chant, so am enilosing check for $2'00 and would ask that you enter my subscription for a year, starting with the next issue"'
The Best in Oak Floorin$ Manufacture
A ahipment of Long-Bell trade-marked oak flooring iea"hes you in first class conditlen-ihs .."ult 6f standards of manufacture, loading and shipping unsurpaseed in the industry.
Study these pointa of auperiority: l-The greatest care is used in the selection of raw material. pine Bluft. Ark. tJtlllt3#. Longville, ta. (Lons-Bell'Brand) (Superior Brand) (Long-Bell Brand)
2-All the elements of kiln drying are under exacting control.
3-The utmost precision in the operation of mechanical equipment.
4-A system of grading and inspection pledging the best and most uniform results.
5-Careful loading and every precaution to prevent damage in transit.
It is constant adherence to these practices which assures the dealer of having, in Long-Bell trade-marked oak flooring, a product as near Perfect as man and machinery can make it.
The Long-Bell Lumber Company
H. A. Long Btdg., - Kancar CitY, Mo. Lumbemen Slnce 1t75
Back East
Since coming east
My eyes to feast, Some things I would exPlain
Just why they get Cold weather yet, When on the Coast it rains.
Just look around In any town
When ice is on the walk
And you will see
A Charleston bee That makes folks' feet just talk.
A tail spin here,
A nose dive there; These surely happen quickly. Here originate Steps up-to-date, That leave you feeling sicklY.
Instead of pine
Tied up with twine
A fellow here should peddle
Some healing dope
Or liniment soap
And not with Nature meddle.
-ALLAN TURNER, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Formerly of San Francisco.
Lumber Steamer Damaged By Fire
The "Sierra", an E. K. Wood boat, was damaged by fire to the extent of $50,000 while unloading at the E. K. Wood Lumber Company docks at San Pedro.
Continuous Testinl
Samples are cut from every &iln tnrck of lunberl weighed on a finely adjusted grao scde, bated bone dry in an electric oven, then re-weighed. By this exacting pllrers we make 3ur.e that every piece of lumber dec' tioed for "Everlasting" Hardwood Flooring contains the proper moisture cottent. There is no guesswo!&r at an t' stage of manufactue.
"Thc Hmc of Firc Wooduuftnzn
I knelt to pray when day was done, And prayed, "Oh, Lord, bless every one; Lift from each saddened heart the pain, And let the sick be well again."
And then I woke another day
A4d carelessly went on my way.
The whole day long I did not try, To wipe a tear from any eye; I did not try to share the load Of any brother on my road; I did not even go to see
The sick man just next door to me.
Yet once again when day was done
I prayed, "Oh, Lord, bless everyone."
But as I prayed, into my ear
There came a voice that whispered clear:
"Pause, hypocrite, before you pray, Who have YOU tried to bless today?"
God's sweetest blessi4gs always go
By hands that serve Him here below."
And then I hid my face and cried, "Forg!fuqme, God, for I have lied; Let me but see another day Anfl lwii[ live the way I pray."
"How come Ah don't see you\mixin' round socially no mo'? \
"So\q as Ah am concerned, ,arsie\ is thu'. Ah've done ostrichi\! it." \

'lfhe Need of Amenica
The need of America is not for men who can lift blocks of marble to the fortieth story of some great office building, but of men who will lift the level of character-not men who dot the seas rvith the white sails of commerce, but for ihen who in their everyday living exemplify those homely virtues, those old fashioned verities which in the last analysis, alone can bring happiness into the life of the indiv(lual or build perpetuity in our civilization. In the minds of,*alas, too many people, the modern hero, the successful mqh, is the one who in a single year can, make one hundred thousand coats or five million hose, or make money hand over fist. The time has come when we must understand as never befofe that there is an everlasting difference between making a living and making a life. Life is hot a goblet to be drained; life is a cup to be filled. The great need of America today is not for men who will add to the quantity of our materials, but men who will add to the quality of our living. (Dr. W. W. Youngston).
Progressiv Selling
In a small western town, a ga man hung out the fol'USE GENUINE PARTS. AS GOOD. ASK THE MAN HE KNOWS.'
By Molly Anderson Haley
Across the way my neighbor's windows shine, His roof-tree shields him from the storms that frown, He toiled and saved to build it, staunch and brown, And, though my neighbor's house is not like mine, I would not pull it down !
With patient care, my neighbor too had built, A house of faith, wherein his soul might stay, A haven from the winds that sweep life's way, It differed from my own-I felt no guiltI burned it yesterday !
First Choru5 Qill-"f'g1 thinking of Second Chorus Girl-"So am I. that's got it?"
marrying Jack." D'ye know anyqne
Josh Billings, the quaint old American humorist, once wrote this sage remark: "Consider the postage stamp. Its usefullness konsists in its ability to stick to one thing until it gets thar."
Kindness To A Tree
The following news item is from the Great Falls, (Mont.) Leader:
"Fred Call, a national forest fire guard, recently saved a giant tree by crarvling into the hollow part, which was aflame, and cutting away the burning wood. First he chopped the tree down."
Another Need
What this country needs is a lower rate of interest on money, and a higher rate of interest in work.
Caller: "Your children play so quietly." Mother: "Excuse me a moment."
Stop making a day's journey after the hour you lost this mornlng.