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Red Cedar Shingles
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Frame Houses Reintroduced In England
Washington, March l0.-Advices received by building information agencies here tell of a novel departure in England. While building circles in the United States are discussing the feasibility of introducing the all-steel house, English builders are introducing the equal novelty in Great Britain of the alllumber house. The London County Council, which has undertaken an extensive housing program, has just let a contract for the erection of two thousand allwood houses, and for one thousand houses largely of wood, but partially using steel frames. Altogether the London County Council is erecting six thousand houses.
The lady of the house answered the census-taker: "Yes, there are five of us-my husband, myself, the baby, the cow and the dog."
"Your politics ?" he asked.
"Pa's Republican, I'm Democrat, the baby's Wet, the cow's Dry and the dog is a Socialist; lays around the house all day doing nothing."-Cheyenne Rotary Club.
Miss Brey In South
Miss Alberta Ruth Brey, Secretary of the Brey Wright Lumber'Company, Porterville, was a Southern California visitor in March, being entertained in Los Angeles by Miss E. M. Dernier of the Lumbermen's Service Association.
The Owen-Oregon Lumber Co., Medford, Oregon, recently started construction work on a new mill which will cost $500,000. The new mill will be 90x288 feet in size, electrically operated throughout and modernly equipped, with a capacity of cutting 327,W feet in an eight hour shift. The new plant will start operation January l, L927.
The new mill is in addition to a $600,000 improvement of the present mill now under way.
Schrlor Bro. Shlaglc Co.
Natlond Lunbcn & Mfg. Co.
Joc CrmL Shinglc Co.
Rlplcy Gedrr Co.
Ultlcu Shtigb Co.
Mout uro, Wrah. Hoqdu, Wuh. Aloha, Warh. Abcrds, Warh. Abcrdcen, Wuh.
We are in position to furnish your requirements in all kinds of Shiogles, either Grccn or Kiln Dricd, for all rail or water shipment, and in order to better serve you have opened a general sales office in the Finch Building, Aberdeen, Washington.
We manufacture: 6/l Fx11a *4+'.
5/2 Extra *A*'s
Extra Clears
XXXXX Perfect Clears
Eurekas Perfections
Premium Clears Royals and all corresponding second grades
GENERAL SALES OFFICES: ilrRoRttN S1ilN6rt 00RP0RATI0N all other forward steps being taken by the thinking men engaged in thic great indurtty of ourr; theee are different forms of SERVICE Lumbermen of today can give their curtomer more varietier of this commodity than can merchentr of any other kinds of gooda AND IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO GIVE TOO MUCH OF IT. Have you ever said of a merchant that he gave you too rnuch helpful advice, too mrrch in tte way of little low-coct extrar, too much of anything that brought you clorer to him and made you want to see him again? Nor will bny Home Builder ever say'it of you, if you "ftl gCuip yourseff to attract hir businesr, business that is largely non-competitive, rnhen properly developed. , ,
Suitc Zl, Finch Building Abcrdccn" lilerh.
Harry Westover Has Customers Confidence
There is a fellow down at Santa Ana by the name of Harry Westover, running the Frank Musselman Lumber Company.
He is a live wire and whoever owns that yard must be fully appreciative of the fact. Harry has put over a number of clever stunts for his company, good-will-gaining ideas, all with the tang of uptodateness about them.
Needless to sav. he reads "The California Lumber Merchant," as evidenced by a letter received from him just the other day, enclosing a copy of an advertisement that they had in a local paper, last week.
Here is his letter, we are proud of it:
"\ltfe are constant readers of the C. L. M., and an issue never goes by that rre do not get one or two good ideas from to use in our business.
"The enclosed ad, which appeared in our local paper, is the result of a recent issue of your journal."
And here is the ad.