1 minute read
Merchandise to Reach the "Missus"
A big magazine that caters particularly to the male sex, in asking for advertieing from motor car manufacturers. stresses the alleged fact that "Itts t'he MAN that buys the motor."
They MAY be right. We sincerely doubt it, even with motors, but there may be more truth in their statement that we are off-hand inclined to believe.
But there is one truth that the building merchant knows beyond any chance of a doubt, and that is trhat "It's the WOMAN that buys the home."
-S" a"it, whatever else you do, overlooh the ladies in your efiorts to merchandise homes and buildings.
A well known advertising agent says: "Women read advertisements because the ad' vertisements f,atter them, c8y-lng the things their husband! FORGET TO SAY."
A lot of truth in that, so far as a world of the advertidng in the national con8umer maga' zines is concerned. Whether t'ihe advertiser wants to sell "ghoeg or rhips or seding tvaxr" somehow or otther they work into their illustra' tiong the pictures of lovely women; women to charming that their portraits are a sincere compliment to ALL wonren.
Mr. Buildng Merchant, the LADIES of your relling district are your best potential curtomers; they are the rnoat potent readerr of your advertising, your letters; the mogt intererted recipienta of any building saler effort.
Ladies are NOT intererted in two-by-foun though, gentlemen. The ad man doeantt Iive that could interest her in your boards and planks, in your sash and doors, or in your other MATERIAI.S.
DON'T warte your time telling her how much oak or maple fooring is per thousand feet. You are talking Greek to her when you do that, and she isntt intereeted. It wontt establish any DESIRE in her consciousn€ss
But in the thinga your planle and your boards and your other materials wilt BUILD that mean to her and to her family shelter, and comfo'rt, and luxury, and protection, and satisfaction, and sratification, and the other human elements-in tfiose thingr she IS interegted.
The old fashioned lumber yand man lsrew nothing of Milady as a custotner.
But to the modern building merchant, rhe is a mo'st potent prorpect.
And if she ISN'T that to YOU, then YOU aren't THAT.