1 minute read
What are we doing to help Retail Lumbermen?
Tfhen a new school is planned in your community-we help you get the flooring contract.
I(hen a new facto\t store or office is planned-MFMA can help you land the business.
\ffZhen people build homes-ideas, furnished by Association headquamers, help you to win them to Mapl-e, Beech o}-Birch floors-and M the order is yours.
This help is tendered, first of all, by nation-wide advertising in the magzines. But it is also concentrated in your local community by such folders, booklets and pamphlets as you see herewhich carry your name suaight to busi ness prospects. Far more than a million of these business-bringers have been used by retail lumber yards-are you getting the share of business they can bring?
The leners t FilA on Maole. Beech or Birch flooring..siqnrfr .that ihe fooriag is standardizcd and guaruteed by the Maple Flooring Manufacturers Association. wbos members Dust attain md maintiin the hiehest standuds of mmufacrure end adhirc to mmufactuting md grading rules which economically consrye every prticle of these re mkable woods. This uademrk is for L"H ".i:ffi
8itl;?.*,f.l M F MA
If you want to look at this set of sales-produters, written to cover the many uses'and markets of Maple, Beech and Birch floors, write us for a fu-ll set of samples. Then-from the list-you can select thC ones which will help you most, and get them free on requesr, with your name, address and telephone number printed on them. Get them; irse them; to help you and vour salesmen in person. and for'enclosure *ith your mail. Dr6p ,rs a line today and.see the icnral sales mes'sages, picnued on thls Page.
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