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California White and Sugar= Pine Manufacturers Ass'n Show Exhibit at Eastern Conventions
Austin Black, advertising manager of the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association, has returned to San Francisco after a two months' trip through the east where he had charge of the Association exhibit that was displayed at several of the retail lumber dealer conventions. Their exhibit was shown at the following conventions: Indiana Retail Lumbermen's Association, Indianapolis; Ohio Retail Lumbermen's Association, Columbus; Northeastern Retail Lumbermen's Association, New sale representatives to give the dealers an idea of prices of the material exhibited.
Owing to the interest shown by the dealers in the exhibit, Mr. Black says that the Association is planning to install permanent exhibits in several of the eastern cities, and to maintain a trade extension man to spend his entire time in the east calling on the architects and retail dealers. They also plan to do the same thing on the West Coast and will establish permanent exhibits in Southern California and the Bay Section.
While in Chicago, Mr. Black represented the Pine Association at the Trade Extension Committee meeting of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. Rav Danaher, Californ,iarMichigan Lumber Co., was also a representative of the association at this meeting.
Botsford-Constantine Co. Will Handle West Coast Advertising
Seattle,'Wash., Mar. 4.-The West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bufeau announced here today that they had selected the,Botsford.Constantine Company to handle their advertising campaign foq pashington and Oregon lumber.
The bureau also stated th4t subscriptions to the fund are now in excess of $300,000 a yeai, and the directors feel sure that the $400,900 mark will be reached in 30 days.
York City; Michigan Retail Lumbermen's Association, Detroit; Illirtois Lumber and Material Dealers Association, Chicago; Wisconsin Retail Lumbermen's Association, Milwaukee, Northwestern Retail Lumbermen's Association, Minneapolis, and the Southwestern Retail Lumbermen's Association, Kansas City.
Mr. Black stated that all the conventions visited were largely attended and among the subjects discussed were "Better Coast Accounting," "Advertising," "Merchandising Service," and "Grade Marking and Trade Marking." IIe stated that there 'was a very general feeling of satisfaction among the dealers using California Pine as to the quality and grades received in the eastern markets. At the New York, Michigan, and Illinois conventions, he said the dealers were particularly interested in the Select Grades exhibited, while the retailers in industrial sections were interested in the Shop Grades.
At the Kansas City and Minneapolis conventions, H. C. Sims, Association Inspector, had charge of the exhibit, while at all the meetings, Mr. Black stated that he had the cooperation of the White and Sugar Pine mill and whole-