1 minute read
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Progressive lumber merchants go af ter every profitable market. A new field has been developed for MOISTITE-Ihe waterproof sheathing and lining paper. It is used to line freight cars.
MOISTITE keeps out the moisture and cold of winter, and the heat of summer -and helps to maintain an even temperature in the car. Shippers are anxious to keep perishable products in good condition so that they will bring top-notch prices in the eastern states.
Many of the largest shippers are using MOISTITE to bring them greater profits. Wide awake lumber merchants are cashing in on this new market. MOISTITE Car Liner means sales in big volume and brings a i:rofit to the lumber yard merchant which he otherwise would not receive.
Write to the nearest division of the Zellerbach Paper Company for further details. Let us tell you how we can help you in developing this profitable market.