3 minute read
A. L. (Al) Morley, popular San Francisco lumberman, is now associated with W. R. Chamberlin & Co. the rvell known wholesale lumber distributors. "Al" will represent the Chamberlin interests in the Peninsula, Coast Counties, and Bay District territories, where he has called on the retail lumber trade for the past four years. He was formerly connected with the A. L. Mahoney Lumber Co., and prior to that represented the California & Oregon Lumber Co. for over three years. "Al" is an active member of the Bay District Hoo-Hoo and has a large acquaintanceship with the lumber trade of California.
Ben Oslind, of the Coos Veneer & Box Co., Marshfield, Oregon, has been a California visitor for the past three weeks where he has been calling on the lumber trade. While in the Bay District he was a caller at the offices of the H. B. Maris Panel Co., their Northern California representatives.

Grover Gearhart Chairman At Hoo Hoo Luncheon
Members of the Los Angeles lloo Hoo Club were entertained at the meeting on March 4th by Mr..Grover C. Gearhart, manager of the hardwood department of the Hammond Lumber Company.
Several reels of pictures were shown, taking the boys through a modern hardwood plant.
"Hank" Urges Action With Cartoon
Reproduced herewith is a clever cartoon, from the nimble pen of "Doc" Hunter, of the Millwork Institute of Califor- nia, broadcast to the members by Managing Director H. T. Diesch. in Douglas Fir luqrber, than in any other wood.
This is the first of a contemplated series of stories by picture, pointing out the evils of some methods of practice and the benefits of united effort.
20.-Hean framing, or llooring for porches,orall heart comices or planch boards easily obtained from regular shipments of Long.Bell trade.marked Douglas Fir.
2l--All lrean picket fence rails or marked Douglas Fir.
the worldts most useful building wood- ti,F'"Il;"::'"",1":li.textu're or Douglas Fir 'iptltfi[i.:;-;"i"ffi
-with the Long.Bell Trade Mark o??t!'JJ;.",
and adopting the
Douglas Fir today has a greater 5.-Long-Bell trade-marked Doug- Douglas Fir lumber is dependable t" :;ilffi:T;:::TJ:t::sj:it5a::e; variety of uscs than any other rvood. las Frr timbers may be had in lengths any construction. for the superior quality of Long-Bell

Frombeautifulflooringtotheheav- up to 80 feet and of any commercial l3.-Long-Bell dry kilns at Long- trade.marked Douglas Fir. iest construction, its qualrties adapt size, view, r0?ash., are of the latcst design, 25.-Douglas Fir timbers may be this lumber product to a variety of 6.-Long-Bell Douglas Fir lumber having the latgest capacity in the stacked solid forstorage; beingpracuses in which texture, strength and and timbers are straight and free from Pacific Northwest, and the kiln drying tically all hean, no harm results. beauty of grain often make exacting crooks or kinks. is scientifically conttolled, which as- 26.-Douglas Fir lumber is pleasing demands.
?.-Straight dimension makes sures properly cured lumber. in appearance.
So important, in fact, is an intimate straight walls and level floors. Long. 14.-All growth and fibre -
2|.-Douglas Fir lumber is knowledge of Douglas Fit today that Bell trade-marked Douglas Fir di- stress are eliminated in G ^ - well adapted to use in silos, this complete statement is made. mension stays straight, and flooring, this proper curing in SIEE& tanks, porch floors and in rn that lumbet must perform dimension and common boards tumbet ,;k""T';'"i;, ffit# in home construction. -*, arc all fuan and more than 78 perfectly and retains it. \bE% 29.iDouglasFirflodringinPueblo, construction' .R, 1'":':*:""?11ffff:TJi *f.1illt,;Ti:::0.. --8"'P' c.1?".int',3ii':rTJlH;:.'fftf;
For industrial con- / struction Dousras Fi'l %* o5':b':#l#fill'**., T:J[*ff:l?dt?"tJnT*'r.0".. lllll,ll?*:[1'E'J.:l|'1:fi*:: lumber and timbers * areeminentlysatis-ffiiH.heanuoIimeisespecially16._Itiscuredinclasses,accordingandwater,andwhencleanedwerein factorybecauseoflHffi_suitedforexposuretosizesandgrades...oneclassjjasgoodconditionaswhenfirstlaid. theirstrength.Tim.ffiandin-contaciwiththekilnroom...henceproperly30._DouglasFirissui!ablefora u""t u'"'-i"g th' ffiF: ,0.-*,ill."iil .redeegrain '"'r"f.llr,rhiooing,thecarisproo."r" iJ$ltjvarietvof usesthananvother
Lons-Bell trade.mark Long-Bell trade.mark --\|\D- l0.-Riftsawedoredgegrain 17.-Inshipping,thecarisproperly wood. may be had in lengths up stock is most serviceable. The prepared to protect lumber from in-31.-It produces smrctural timbers be fn Up srocK mosl SewlceaDle. I ne prepareo tO protecf lumoer IrOm ln- Jr. 'r! Prwqr6 lrrqcturdl lllllrN toSOfeetandinirycommercialsize. amountof edgegrainstockproduced jury, and closely stowed to "e6i4 thlt-hayno-equalin sizeorlength.
*3;JffJ::.i:i:iiJx"',',',"lHt: Douglas Fir manufacturing metL 11.-Long-Beil ioi"rir-.o","i" ^ The Aiktantage of Heottwood is strong,takesstainwellinanyshadi ods ha:ve improved steadily- over a high percentage of large yellow Doug- 18.-Stepping,perfectlyvenical an4 or color' and combines beauty, utility periodofyears. Outstanding4qrgl- las Fir, which produces the all heart, can be had 1gn anddurability.
*r::::*::.*i::*:'1T.j$j:;:::.:*.$:.5*"::::.,A.'*:if,*'}1lT]nLons.UnrrslatSrrengrh|orwcight ilj.?Tffi::':..n:3,:||:u'"|i:;Hi:'::*rurdbeauti-7ffi"",\f;.]$"x'"',i;.*,.33'_..DouglasFi'rhasunusual mostwidelyusefulwoodobtainable'-\re//"*.t"'"iii."ri;G;;J'.Jilstte,'gth by no other softwood species." 33 lmpofiontDouglas FirPoints \sffiffifls$f,/
_ Uselong-Bell trade.markedDoug Hercinreadilyunderstandable \\$|$ffi7Z lasFir! form are-33-poinrs-about Long.Bell -:ZZ q{\, nade.marked, kiln dried DouglasFir : which every 'builder or prospective rE , .n -Long'Bell -trad-e.marked C-alfomia buirdershourdknow: l.-Douglas Fir vaties in co .".5*o::,'JT,lt;'J:Tir"fJ*: ffiitJi iu ;.#.""o";-specieso?commerciar t- U m
2.-Douclas Fir unsumassed te47s as lumbermen ttrese strengjh aid elastic limit. - D":*
2.-Douglas Fir is unsurpassed in years as lumbermen these products
*_E:Fl3rl:p\a-l:8**$._Sc;!=rbcr trade,marked to_identifr.the highest
3.-It ic light and easily placed in "'p",'uTffi]d-5$fr$ipiiffi"il$i,,Tt#-' standatds in,lumber productioru consttuctiorl --I.:N"itrt rregreatholdrngpowet ""tli:t ?g*mW.y*
Th' lst'Bctr rlnba coo6a7 l"b*tgf* fit- r'Abqtld& Krnscrvrxo It$cmSas tt?t