1 minute read
Your Trade Magazine and You
Bg t acft Dionne
Your trade magazine, properly selected and properly used, is a powerful and impressive elernent in the life of the modern business man.
It provides him with many things that enter into his general well being.
It furnishes him practically applied literature.
It furnishes him the shuttle that weaves the tapestry of his business history into the loom of time.
Into that fabric is woven the life of that business in that particular territory, its joys, its sorrows, its triumphs, its failures, its impressions, and its general characteristics and high-lights.
Your story is there. So is the story of your fellow business men, the story of your district, your state, your territory, and their people in YOUR trade, written in YOUR sort of language.
You cannot, if you would, escape this glimpsing of history in the making in YOUR business, for the threads from which it is woven are gathered all around you. You are part and parcel of its fabric. Your interest is with it, and its inte est is with you. You' may be but a single thread in the fabric, a single two by four in the huge structure, but you are a part of it, and it is made up in part of you, and you cannot escape it.
One of the most powerful levers of modern time business that has been directly instrumental in pulling together the formerly tangled or scattered strands of business life and business activity are the business magazines.
They provide a constant thought, idea, narrative and historical exchange among men in the same line of business.
They are the everyday business associations, which continually bring men together who are thinking along the same lines. r
Like the poor, they are always with us. They share the ups and downs, and ins and outs, the high tides and the low ebbs of the industry they serve.
They weave together constantly and tirelessly the fabric of trade and business his.tory, showing to the world alwdys the best side, the most interesting presentations; and 'to the industry itself they provide neu/s, information, encouragement, optimism, cooperative.suggestion and direction, and practical ambition.
. : And, looking backward, they form the history of the industry, the narrative of its strearn of life.
Respect it, assist it,. cooperate.with it in its ambitious strivings; for it usually forms a splendid'barometer of the life of your industry.