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No door but Laminex could withstdnd: this test
After days and weeks of soaki^g, Laminex shows no tendency to shrink, swell or warp
IMAGINE punishing a common I door, a6 we do Laminex! Continu. ous soaking for days; now heat and steam; now wet, now dry again.
Of course doors rarely get such treat. ment; but you know when Laminex proves its ability to stand so muchwith. out injury, you can be sure it will never shrink, swell or warp on its own hinges.
A celebrated architect said of Laminex, "It is not the wood, but the way it's put togetrher and the waterproof cement that holds it together." Besides using built up panels, we build up the stiles and rails. The core is a veritable brick wall for rigidity - an interlocking of blocks with the grain crossed in adjoin. ing sections. All parts are welded with a wonderful waterptoof cement, then placed under tremendous hydraulic pressure for 24 hours.
There are millions of Laminex doors in use. And being nationally known, they add to the salability of propertv. No high. erin cost than"just doors."Sales Offices: New York, Chicago, Meurphier San Fran cisco, Los Angeles, Spokane. Foreign: Woco Door Co.,Iondon; E. J.-Van de Ven, Pads; Paul Solari & Co., Genoa.
Thc famouslaninex soak. ing tert lr belng rtaged again j[r'o*Lout Americaat building oaterial cxhibite-conventionsyardc and mills. Tests have previorrely been made: 'j, - l- .',t -!i Laminex stock doorrcaked fot 75 hoursdutin8 convention of Ohio Aosociation Rctail Lumber Dcalets. January, 1925. Unhamcd.
The same doot, after drying for 6ve dayr, soaked again ?2 hours at convention of Northeastern R etail Lumbcrmen's Association, January 27,28. 29, 1925. Unhamcd after double test. This Laminex doot being exhibited now at our New Yotk officc.
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Ftom 9 a. m. April l5th until 9a. m. April l?th. 1925, Laminex door under water ar convention of Arkansas Retqil Lumbermen's Association. No hatm to Laminex.
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Last Octobct, at California Industrial Exposition, Lamincx dmr submctged in water for 15 days and nighru, continuously. No shrinksgc, swelling or warping. No oyrn tointa.
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Lgst Scptcmbcr durlng thc Canadian nNational Exhibition. Lamincx dor soaked continuously for l6 days; abubin8 twelvc poundsofwater. After drying. no trace of warping or coming apaft.
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A 2-panel stock Lamincx dmr held undcr water continuously during thc convcntion of Texas Lumbemcn's Acsiotion, April llth to l6th, 1925. No dsmagc whatcvcr-
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Onc-panel Lamincx dor oekcd continuouuly fiom October 23rd to Novcmbcr 2nd, during " Homc Bcautiful Show." Emcucd in samc goodshapc ar uhcn cntcrln8 utcr 233 hours bcfotc. No rracc ofwlndingot damagc of any kind.