5 minute read
Wbrld's largeft dpor produCtion makes &ffi?fvld{:K possible at the price of comrnon doors'.j
IORD.LIKE, the immense sales and production of Laminex has created a thousa$d economies. Labor saving devices, conveyors and mechanical units do the work of,, tl scores of hands at a fraction of the time and cosL Yet with an ever increasing "i" : ./ army of men employed. /
In the heart of the great timberlands of the Pacific Northwest, with the primeval forests practically at its door, this modern industrial plant is recognized for its production efficiency.
We draw our timber cupply from those regions producing the highest quality of lumber suitable for door manufacture. The choicest timber from our own logging operations as well as that selccted from other large opera. tors, is cut in our own sawmills.
For years we have worked in perfecting the Laminex process, de. veloping special equipment and patenting machinery for making Laminex vertical grain doors
While we concentrate our resources on the production of stock doors, our Laminex designs are made in a variety of patterns of proven demand vertical grain stiles and rails, or all flat grain. Leading jobbers at key distributing points carry adequate stocks on hand.
Lumber dealers no longer need stock odd lots of slow. moving, unknown doors, but may order liberally of this one guaranteed, trade.marked nationally farnous line-Laminex.
Home owners and builders are showing a decided preference for this remarkably "fool.proof" door that has proven itself in so many dramatic tests.
H,AMINEX Oaarantee
Thir bminex dor, built by our cxcluive pm, ir guamteed. In ry of failuru mt due to neglect or mieure, we *ill reple it uuFut charSc. THE VHEELER, OSGOOD COMPANY Trom, Wuhington, U. S. A.
Gentlemen: I would like to know more about Laminex doorc. Please eend catalog and eample of l,aminex wood, so we can make our own tert6.
'S- F. Buildid$ Pbrniits $ump ': ;
Building pOrmids for.February of this ydalare $L30O,000 greater than those foq the corresponding month last year, it was disclosed by a tabulation made in the city building inspectorrs office at the close of business for the month yesterday.
The largest single item was in class construction, where there were two items, totaling $1,000,000, this year against one of half that amount t",, ngures forrow :
Douglas Fir Masts for Historic Ship
Seattle, 'Wash., Feb. 26.-It was announced here today by Robert B. Allen, secretary-manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association that a telegram had been received from Secretary of the Navy Wilbur accepting on behalf of the navy the donation of Douglas Fir masts for the .historic frigate Constitution. The Association will supply this Fir from the woods of Bainbridge Island; named in honor of Commodore William Bainbridge, who commanded the frigate in all of her important engagements. The masts will be supplied from vigorous new growth that was seeded half a century after the famous frigate fought her last engagement in the war of 1812.
"The new growth which is coming on at a rate of more than three billion feet a year has structural strength essential in mast making, and is used extensively for that purpose by ship and yacht builders throughout the world,r' stated Mr. Allen.
BayDistrict Hoo Hoo Activities
At the regular meeting of Hoo-Hoo Club'No. t held at the Palace Hotel on Thursday, February 25, George Barron, Superintendent of the DeYoung Museum, Golden Gate Park, was the speaker of the day. Mr. Barron gave an excellent inspirational address on "Washington and Lincoln." Fred Roth, vicegerent snark of the Bay District, was chairman of the day.
Messrs. Murphy and Schellenberger of the Community Chest also participated in the meeting, giving their salesmen talk on meeting prospects that was greatly enjoyed.
Garland Fraser, Chicago and Alton Railroad, will be Chairman of the Day at the club luncheon on March 11.
The annual dinner dance given by Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 was held at the Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, on the evening of Thursday, November 25. About 50'couples attended the party and an enjoyable time was had by everybody. Music for dancing was furnished by Sapiro's orchestra. During the evening there were several excellent entertainment numbers. The committee in charge of the dance were Harry Gaetjen, Chairman; A. J. Nolan, John Stroud, C. C. Stibich, A. B. Johnson, Jr., J. E. Peggs, Fred Roth and J. E. Martin. Attractive menus printed on Redwood were donated through the courtesy of the California Redwood Co.
The People's Lumber Company at Ventura is just completing an attractive new display room.
Schumacher Wall Board figured prominently in the interior construction.
Southcrn-HARDWOOD S:N ortbern
Bruce OaL Flooring
Maplc Flooring l2lD Firrt Nationel BaaL Bldg.
Tclcphoac'Sutter 2634
Add tlais
W ofitabl,e sp ecial,ty line
The kitchen today can be one of the most profitable rooms in the lumber bill. As a Peerless dealer you can supply all the cupboards, folding furniture, kitchen cabinets, complete kitchen casework.
Peerless czues come to you in pack, ages wrapped for profitable easy handling. Complete with hard, ware. Plenty of advertising litera, ture.

, Write for exclusiue dealership for your city.
Burr.raN Frxrune Co., 2608 SeN Pauo AvrNul, Brrrliar, Car.n. Hoosrnn Pnrn lrss Drsrnrsutons z6z1 Elu Sr., Dalr,as, Tnxas
Frank P. Cartwright, for the past four years Technical Secretary of the Department of Commerce Building Committee, organized by Secretary Hoover to bring about more uniform economical building regulation throughout the country, is the most recent appointee to the headquarter's staff of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, Washington, D. C. His work in some respects will continue the activities of D. F. Holtman. Construction Engineer, who recently resigned from the National Association to become assistant and director of the Committee on Wood Utilization, functioning under the auspices of the Department of Commerce. Mr. Cartwright will be Engineer and Technical Representative of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. Born and reared in Western New York, Mr. Cartwright graduated in 1915 from Cornell University with the degree of Civil Engineer. He then became identified with the New York State'Highway Commission and afterward was employed in construction and railway work for several years.
Frank R. Close, for many years manager for the Shasta [-umber Company, has resigned and intends opening a modern retail yard at Sutter.
A. Wallace Mclean
Send, us your inqubies.
San Francisco Millwork Institute Branch Hold Ladies' Night
The San Francisco Branch of the Millwork Institute of California entertained with'Ladies' Night on Saturday evening, February 27, in the Redwood Hunting Lodge at the Cafe Marquard, San Francisco. The party was an enjoyable affair and was attended by about 75 couples. The entire "Marquard Review" was furnished in full during the evening and provided many pleasing entertainment numbers. Sapiro's orchestra furnished music and dancing was enjoyed until 1 :00 a.m. "Daddy" Druffel and partner gave several delightful exhibitions of the Charleston. Community singing was led by Jack lfart, who was in excellent voice and got the crowd all pepped by rendering several of the old popular songs. Harry Gaetjen, President of the work Institute of California, was the recipient of a special toast, the occasion being Harry's birthday.
The officers of the San Francisco Branch are C. E. Reinhart, President; J. A. Hart, Vice-President; E. J. Nutting, Secretary; Fred S. Spencer and W. Tilden, Directors. Harry Gaetjen and Jack Hart formed the Arrangements Committee for this excellent party.
Wholesalen ll2 Market St. San Francirco
Tclcphonc Suttcr 71199
Dougler Fir - Sprucc - Rcdwood
Rcdwood and Cedar Shinglcr
Fir Piling - Cedar Polcr
Split Rcdwood Productr o"'"*if;i 5;"i:E H* ""'

Portland, Oregon
Avoid loss on account of warping, checking, and splitting of your Fir finish'lumber your order with us for
Either in straight carloads or in mixed cars with Doors and Panels
KNOX & TOOMBS Hoquiam, lVarh.
Manufacturere of Verticai Grain Fir Doorr tlDy Praclng
Hoquian, Warh.
Manufacturerr of 'Grayr
Harbo/' Yellow Fir
Laminatcd Psnclr