1 minute read
But they are mighty expenslve.
There is no reason why a builder should buy long pieces of siding and cut them into short lengths on the job. Grade for grade the short mill lengths are cheaper. The carpenter's time is also worth money.
On nearly every job a certain percentage of siding must be short lengths. 'Where there are many window and door openings, gable ends and dormers the percentage of short lengths is higher. LJnless the sides and ends of a building are of a length that can be made up of long siding without cutting there is a waste.
DEALERS: When you estimate a building bill study the lengths of siding required.
Whatproportion can be made up of short mill lengths?
Then consult your RED RIVER PRICE LIST?
You can make a lower quotation. The builder saves on his lumber bill and on labor.
Why not look into this?
"Every time a carpenter saws a piece of siding into short lengths he is wasting the builder's money" Put some short siding in your next mixed car from Red River.
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