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California White and Sugar Pine Mfr's Ass'n to Carry on Extensive Advertising and Publicity Campaign
During 1926
In discussing the advertising campaign of the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association for 1926,. Austin Black, Association advertising manag'er, states that the Association plan calls for an expenditure of $100,000.00 this year.
To reach the consumer, they will use the following publications '-"Heuss and Garden,." "Ifome Beautiful," "Better Homes and Gardens," and "sunset Magazine," Anothir campaign will be carried on in architectural and building papers, and the following journals will carry this'phase of their advertising:-r'Architectural Record," "A?nerican Architect," "Architectural," "Pencil Points," "Pacific Cgast Architect," "American Builder," "Building Age," and "National Real Estate Journal."
To reach the industrial trade, which advertising will also carry special emphasis on the use of California Sugar Pine for pattern stock and other special uses, .they will use the following industrial magazines;-"f1eq Ag.," "Iron Trade Reviewr" "Foundry," and the "Industrial .Arts Magazine."
In addition to the above, their advertising and publicity campaign will include Lumber Trade Magazines, Annuil Books of State Associations. Techniial Da[a for Construction, Sweet's Architectural Catalog, and Srveet's Engineer- ing Catalog
The above advertising program will also be supplemented by an extensive direct mail Jampaign and Pine iniormation Sheets on California White andSugar Pine, White Fir,. and other woods. A special booklet will be published by'the
Association.-on,,'lCalifornia White Fir,f ' 2o4 anoth'er booklet on "Industrial and Specialty Uses for California Sugar Pine."
Winner of the Redwood Contest
This is the winner of the one hundred dollar first prize in the recent Redwood Contest.
The finals were announced. in the March first issue, at which time there was no available photograph of the winner.
__Thg h_andsome gentleman pictured herewith is Mr. Lloyd Harris, Northern-California representative for the Holmes Eureka Lumber Company.
.Yr._A, M. Baxter, President of J. H. Baxter & Company, visited the Los Angeles officers t-his month