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Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Now Operating in Their New Plant
The Loop Lumber & Mill Co. of Alameda recently completed the construction of their new office building and planing mill, which gives this progressive concern one of the finest plants in the state.
Their attractive office building, 8 feet by 51 feet, contains a spacious main office, together with private offices for the company officials. The interior of the main office, which is 18 feet by 40 feet, is finished with Redwood panels in an aluminum stain. The general manager's office is finished with natural Redwood panels. The office of the assistant general manager is finished with Bataan mahogany panels, while the office of the company architect is trimmed with Douglas Fir panels with an aluminum fin- ish. The exterior of the office building is finished with Redwood siding.
The Planing mill is l2O feet by 2AO feet, with an upstairs capacity of 50 feet by 60 feet. A part of the mill structure, 60 feet by 80 feet, is used as a Cabinet Shop and Frame Department. The exterior of the mill building is finished with 10 inch Redwood rustic siding. The mill-is equipped with the latest mod,els of new machinery which is opefated by electricity, each machine being equipped with an individual motor. The entire mill has a concrete floor, while the cabinet shop also has a 3 inch Port Orford Cedar floor.
_ The Planing Mill is equipped with a Woods Matcher, O-rton_Machinery Co. Planer,-two Calladay Stickers, Yates 4OL 49 inch Sander, Mershon 54 inch resaw, Crescent Jointer, Band Saw and Rip Saw.
The Cabinet Shop and Frame Department is equipped with a Buss Shaper, Fay & Egan Cut-Of Saw, Tanne'witz lip Saw, Portei Joint6r E. "g. Smith Tenanor machine, Mortiser, West Electric & Machinery Co. Boring machine, Hermence Cut-Off Saw, Turnine Lithe and Baid Saw.
A new Reese Burner, 52 feet-high and with an outside diameter of 15 feet 3 inches, has replaced the old burner. The W_esco Blow-Pipe system is used throughout the plant and mill is also equipped with two Sturtevant Planing Mill llxhausters.
. A-new shed,40 feet by 150 feet, with a concrete floor, has been constructed. The company also have three sheds g{ !h" following dimensions, 36-fee[ by 90 feet, 40 feet by 80 feet, and 4O feet by 100 feet. The company alio plans thl immediate construction of another new ihei.
Th-ey have a yard. capacity of about three million feet, tn addition to -carrying a, complete stock of Douglas fir, lardwoods, and other lumber, they are also specializing in Redwood and have just added a- complete assortmeni of clear Redwood I inch to 4 inches in thicliness and 6 inches to 18 inches wide to enable them to satisfactorily meet the growing demand in the East Bay District for industrial and specialty purposes.
The Loop Lumber & Mill Co., was formerly the Waddell Lumber Co., and was purchased by the Loop Lumber Co. interests of San Francisco in June, 1925. Construction of the new plant was started in November, 1925, and was built on the old site without the loss of any interruption to business.
The officers of the Loop Lumber & Mill Co. are: Wm. Chatham, President; Merrill Robinson, 1st Vice President and General Manager; Clement Fraser, 2nd Vice President and Assistant General Manager; A. F. Bullott, Secretary- Treasurer. Howard Mitchell designed the new plant. Other members of the office personnel are Bill Nelson, Price Clerk; Don Buree, Bookkeeper; Mrs. Norwick, Stenographer; and Salesmen, O. B. Chapman and O. Bradley. William Stover is mill superintendent.
North Bend, Oregon, Feb. 26.-Fire of unknown origin destroyed the mill of the Stout Lumber Company here early today. Firemen saved the boiler house and burner, and owing the fact that there was no wind all of the lumber was saved.
W. C. Ribenack, San Francisco, president of the company, notified R. T. Bourns manager of the mill by long distance phone that the mill would be rebuilt at once. The damage was not estimated officially, but was said to be in the neighborhood of $350,000. Two hundred and fifty men were employed.