1 minute read
Kindly Competition is Strictly Modern
Kindly, friendly, tolerant competition is a product of our modern civilization that rvar unknown in earlier daye.
The history of the world'showe that until a few short decadds ago th,e hrurran mentality could not conceive of friendly toleration of a competitor.
The old Gods; the old kingr, the old nations, all conceived it to be their duty to destroy their competitors, or make them'their subiects. That theri war nx)m for all-that the world might thrive on competitioetfiat'mer and thi4gs would develop cooperatively]la'ss too great for their narro{f cqmprehension.
Even the God of Israel describes hirnself innrrnerable times throughout the OId Testa; ment as a ttJealous God.t'
Take the history of cities. Throughout the bach ages, no city believed it coutd live, if_another great city prospered. Cato went to C.ar' thace as an ambassador, and he was so im' pr"ir"d *ith the prosperity and power of
Carthage that he became obaeased with the idea that for Rome to live, Carthage must die. He made his eternal slogan the words t'Delenda est Carthagolt' (C;arthage must be destroyed.) He used it in all addresses to the Senate and to the people of Rome, until he brought qbbut war, and Carthage was wiped from the face of the earth.
Cato did not realize that Carthage waa hele ing civilize tihe world, and that through civilizatiJn the world wotrld become better, and Rome would become betten
We have lumber merchants today with the Cato instinct, who think their only hope of proElrerous business is by cutting the throat of alt competition.
They, like Cato, and like the qncient thinkerE, are merely behind the times. Their thorrghts, and methodb, are still in the dark ageE.
Cooperation and competition both are neceisary in this day and age.