2 minute read
Prizes donated by California firms for attendance at the 'Western Retail Lumber Lumbermen's Association Convention held at Portland February 18 were as follows: 'Weaver Roof Company, Los Angeles, 30 rolls'Weaver roofing, won by C.J. O'Neill, Kalispell, Mont.; A. L. Myers, Buffalo, Wyo., and N. B. Bennett, Sheridan, Wyo., 10 rolls each. Schumacher Wall Board Corporation, Los Angeles and Seattle, 3000 feet Schumacher wall board, won by J. M. Crawford, Walla Walla, Wash.; Mrs. J. M. Crawford, Walla Walla, Wash., and E. M. Sybert, Livingston, Mont., 1000 feet each. Lumbermen's Service Association, Los Angeles, Cal., album, hand painted English homes, won by S. A. Foster, Seattle. CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT, one year's subscription, E. J. Ostrander, Ostrander Lumber Co., Twin Falls, Idaho.
Mrs. J. E. Fraser, secretary, California Retail Lumbermen's Association was the winner of one of the Portland Hoo Hoo Club's special prizes for ladies.
Mrs. Jessie Yard Carwford, wife of Oscar G. Crawford, with E. U. Wheelock, Inc., Los Angeles, passed away at the Loma Linda Sanitarium on Thursday, February 25th, and was buried from Colton on the 27th.
Mr. Crawford has many friends among the lumbermen of California and Arizona who have extended their sympathies in his loss.
Harbor Board Would Raise Lumber Rate
That the rate on stored lumber unloaded from vessels at the San Diego city piers should be raised from 10 to 15 cents per 100O feet on certain kinds of material, was the recommendation to the city council by the harbor commission.
This, it is claimed, will place the city on the same basis as Los Angeles harbor and also of other piers in San Diego.
Convention Plans
Plans are rapidly progressing for the Annual Convention of the National-American Wholesale Lumber Association, to be held at Atlantic City, N. J., Ambassador Hotel, April 15-16. The Convention Committee met at Pittsburgh last week, went over plans in detail, and arrangements were made for discussions developing around the Convention keynote, "Lumber Merchandising." Subjects of practical everyday interest to the industry will be considered and in order to permit plenty of time for discussion formal reports will be only briefly referred to and printed for distribution at the Convention.
Progress And Prospects Of Reforestation In The South
Examination of the timber stands in the south, both of commercial size and young growth, together with consideration of the progress already made in reforestation and the greatly augmented interest in and attention to this movement on the part of lumbermen, farmers and the general public, lead one to the confident prediction that there always will be a supply of Southern pine sufficient to meet the demand of American consumers for this wood and that lumber always will be an important industry of the South.

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Split Rcdrood Ticr, Fortq Gnpc Strl<cr, ctc.
Sera Rcdvood Shelcr rnd Shinglcr
PORTU\IS, OREGON, OFFICE Norttv..t t! B.rf Bldt.
Our rcprcrcntrdvcr In Southcra Crlltorltil uc Wllllrnr ud Coopcr, a5 Wcrt Shth Srr..t' lar Anlclcr