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How Long Should a Bridge Be?
Frequently a dealer wants to know horr much advertising he should do. Wants to be told exacdn and in epecific terms.
Reminds us of tihe man who was going to build a bridge over a river, and wanted to know how long it should be.
It should be long enough to cross the river.
The dealer's advertising should be lottg enough to accomplish its purpose-to reach from the dealer to his prospective trade.
Lincoln was asked how long a man's legs ought to be, and he replied that they should be Iong enough to reach the ground.
Same idea again.
When the average dealer starts talking about how much advertising he should do, and how much he should spend on it, you gather the idea that this advertising thing is iust a neceE!
T\vO NEW B. C. MrLLS WrLL COST $1,000,000
Plans have been completed by the Capilano Timber Company for the construction of a new sawmill and shingle mill at North Vancouver, B. C. at a cost of $1,000,000.
sary evil of some sort, and that he feels it his duty to appropriete so much a montlr, and spend it.
Instead, he should feel that he lacls a contact with his tradc that is essential to his bnsiness, and that he should do that which is necessary to make the contact.
His bridge should cro* the river.
His lega should reach the ground.
His advertising should reach his prospective customer.
And in his case ttadvertisingt' neans anything and everything of a practical character he can do by personal contact, or by tfre spoken, written, typewritten, or printed word, that wiII interest the building trade of his city in him and his business.
The company has extensive timber holdings, including some of the finest Red Cedar in the world. The sawmill rvill cut 250,000 feet in eight hours and the shingle mill will have an eight hour capacity of 200,000 shingles.