3 minute read
JackDionne ,ptbhsher
tacarecatod und.r &. brr ol Cellfcab J. C. Dldr., p'r. ald t-i,r.; .1. E M.'.th, vica-Pncc.; a c. Mcrryman, Jr.r Socy.
ClE Ncthwort
3l&lr-, cENTRAL s-tiir.DiN-c" Los ANGEL-Es' ^cAL' -* - - E"tica--ar Sccmd-ctag! -rnattcr Scptqnbcq 25, -l!Z -la-Aryd.*-Canfcntl, tndc M
--'- -la-Aryd'*-Canfcntl tfiLr AGt o' Mlrch I ltilt' end Pactfrc Ncthwort fa Arypllr' L'nlm+ ww' - *ry
- Advcrtiring Ratcr
Subrcription Pricc, $2.1D pGt YGrt Singlc Copicrr
How Lumber Looks
Dowla^r Fir Cargo. Prices continue firm at the millr with No. 3 -*--ot an-d vertical grain clears Yery *rong' The mills report excellent ordcr-filea Mtny of th3 logging camps ttat were forced to chut down due to weatber condrtio* h"t" rerurned operatio,nr-log pricer are holdins firm and there ir no surplur of logs on hand. With the coming of milder rveather in the eari the millr are looking f9f tt increared dbrnand from the MiaaU Weet and Atlantic Coart territorler. There has been a good dernand for car materid'
The Dotrglas fir rail market ha'r rhown no change during tte past two weekr. Pricer are firrn iedwood. C"ti" anivatc at San Francisco for February totaled 16,643,000 ft. Cergo receiptr at San Pedro for Febtuarv tbtabd 3,78O,(XX) lo!-. A new Redwood pri-ce f"t a"tui March 1 Lac been publirhed, which appears to be a readjurtment of the price etnrcture, rhowing lome iterns
Tt; C"Ufo.i. market shows no changc. Unrold rtoc{r at San Pedro on March 13 totaled 8'394'0OO ft. 33 vge1elr *" t*a up, with rix vessels operating off'rhore. Lath has rhown soile ctrenglh during tbe past week and thcre are t.ry f"* uneold tith "t San Pedr;. Carg-o arrivalr "!.S"1 Fraircisco from Warhinglon and Oregon for the month of F"[t tary totated 38,25aOOO feet {r cargo arrivals at San Pedro for February amotmted to 84'28Q0fl) feet.
Wholesale Plywood Distributors Organize
The National Plywood Distributors Associatignr repr.esentative of the wholesale distribution of plywood throughout the United States, was organized in Chicago on Monday, February 18,1929.
The following officers and members of the Board of Directors were elJcted: R. C' Clark of the R. C. Clark Veneer Comoany. Chicaso, President; B. W. I-ord of the Chicago Veneer Co-pan!, Chicago. first vice-president;-George L' Waetjen of the G.otg. L-. Waetjen & e-ompan;r, Milwaukee, ,..onh vice-president; W. E. Perry of the $lg-om.a- Panel Company, Ciricago, third vice-presi4e.nt; M' L. Strickler of ttre jottri A. Gatfrer t Cqmql1f, C]ri9ag-o, treasurer; !. F' D. Ii4effley, r."telaty; J.E'Allen of the J. C. Deacon C-omoanv. Chitaso. Hariv Dubia of the Roddis Company, Inc', 'Ctr;i"so. H.-G. Penrod of Wuest & Penrod Fir Panel Comoanv."Cincinnati. George Becchold of the Claus Panel to-p"tty, Cleveland, R' C. Ctark' -C. hicago, 3. y,/. T 'ord, Chicago, and George L. Waetjen, Milwaukee, as directors'
The objects of the association shall be to foster the business interests of its members and of those in any way related to the Plywood industry by common business interests: to establish and maintain uniiormity and equity in the customs and commercial usages of the Plywood Trade; to gather and disseminate valuable business information; to f,romote an enlarged and friendly intercourse among thole engaged in the flywood industry and with the public' cactr rnolh lt -clt-. TELEPHoNE, vAdlla 1565 E. l'21 it ttc Pdtofficr at r da MsGh L ltilt 124 uI hisher and reductioru in others. Elimination of the t'Mer' ch-antablett grade is alro announced. --Errir"rrii wt it. -J S.rg., pio". P{cea remain rtrong "nJaerirabi.lt.* *i"ttitg """t"tr. The demand fo,r ind;tttJ-."d;dtlt"-t-"ootlo.t rtrong' Mill rtocks have beenreduced.
* E s,i
According to the report of t\e Netional Lumber Manuf".t"".*-A,i""i*i"t "i Ul"t"h ?' the roftwood and har{' ila-"Lti.il* i"i tf" fttt ttine weekr of 1929, are as followr:
Wet Coart Lumbermentr 'lrsociatiol' Production'- ltsli',fdz Ml;t; shtfmentr, 1,3o3,5(H M feet; Chders' 1,459,762 M fe€tCalifornia White and Sugar Pine Association' Pro'duction' 126$tlu f;l;S[ip;"n't, 21e,156 M feet; orderc' 21e'O92 M feet.
California Redwood Association' Production' -5-8'-874 M fJ;6;'";; se;ogrM feet; Productioy,67,,!!lI t::!' - -- Silh; irio.lr-"i"tio". Production, 196!!2-2 [tl feet; Ship-entr, 603,382 M feet; Orders, 6.32'53f M feeL
Total hard*""a iL'.-Li pioauJtitgl'^195.r92-a -M f""iiStro-"r"7ie'ees M feet; orderr, 482,999 M feet'
John sula at
Dudfield, 57, Pioneer lumber dealer Palo Alto, died FebruarY 26, after an lle was a native of Watsonville, and of the peninillness of four spent his boYSan Jose. He is survived by his widow and four
H. C. CLARK MOVES TO IIEW OFFTCE Q-UARTERS --H-. C. Clark, manager of the Sacramento office for the er"ift-k"ify Lumber -Co., has go-v99- to new office quarters ;J i; now iocated at Room 517, Calilotnia State Life Bldg'' S"c.amento. His telephone is Main 4188'
San Francisco, has Ed. Ivory, Chas' Nelson Company, -Franclsco' has ^- .^--,{'i;- " ferv devq in Southern California and is been spending a few daYs in.Sout ;"Htg ttit tt'."aquarters at the company's Los Angeles office.
RAY COX AND I. L. WALKER IN LOS ANGELES nly C.", general manager-o-f ttre Built-In-Fixture Comp"r,v'"t Berfeley, and I. L. W"lktt' general field superin[.",i.nt of the .i*. .otttp"ny, have been spending the past several days in l-os Angeles.