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Tri-Club Conference
Sacramento, San Joaquin and Central California Lumberments Clubs To Hold Joint Meeting at Stockton.
I The Sacramento, San Joaquin and Central California Lumbermen's Clubs will hold their Tri-Club Conference at the Hotel Wolf, Stockton, Calif., on Friday and Saturday, March 22 and 23.
Friday morning, the directors of the California Retail Lumbermen'J Association and the Millwork Institute o] California will have a joint meeting at the Stockton Hotel, which will open with breakfast at 8 a.m. On Friday at'12:15 p.m., the members of the Sacramento, San Joaquin and Cent?al California Lumbermen's Clubs will meet at the Wolf Hotel for luncheon and a business meeting' American Lumber Standards, Segregation of Grades, What Class of Trade Rightfully Belongs-to the Retailgl, -and- Selling Direct to Coitractors bv Manufacturers, Wholesalers and Brokers are among the subjects that will be discussed'
Friday evening at 6:3O P.ffi., ? joint dinner for the lumn"t-"tt'""a tn" ititt-"tt his been-arranged for and will be held at the Stockton Hotel. -S"t"ta"y morning, the lumbermen- will meet at the wlif uotlt. This seision will open with breakfa-st at 8 a'm' At-saturday noon, the retail luinbermen will adjourn' The At )aturoay frlc rcLarr luruL millmen wiil hold a general meetin !ot --^-/ Saturday, the nLgr.n- meetlng on )aturqay' urur..ing session startingit 8:30 a.m.; final adjournment will be taken at 4:30 P.m. P.m.
--Sui"iauy eiening at 7 p.m., the lumber^g-rgyls wjll hold a ioint dinner-and coniatenation at the Old Kentucky House,'which is situated about 39 miles east of Stockton' All Hoo Hoo are invited to attend. M. M' Riner, Kansas City. Snark of the lJniverse, and Chas. G. Bird, Supreme Custocatian, will attend the meeting'