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The Wheeler, Osgood Co. Sponsors Door Design Competition

One of the most interesting competitions now in progress is one for "tomorrow's door design," sponsored by the Wheeler, Osgood Company, Tacoma, Washington.. Sensing a strong t-rend toward 'imodern" architecture, t-his large r"il. *"nolacturer of stock doors and trim has placed before the profession his problem of secu-ring- designs that will prov6 adequate in the new-e-r type of architecture.

Cash awards aggregating $90O aiC offered; $500 for the clearest concept of tomorrow's door design for ejther a home or a commercial building;$150 and $50 for the next best new door designs for homes, and $150 and $f0 for the next best new dooi designs for commercial buildings.

Acting as the jury of iwards are Mr. Henly F. 9!t"t*ilt of Thoripson & Chirrchill, architect!,- N9Y York; Mr' William Zorich, sculptor, New York; Mr' Howard Raftery of Frazier & Raftery, architects, Chicago.

The requirements are as follows: Designs must be..for interior doors and of a nature fitted to the use of Philipoin. i"-in"". Door trim in this competition is considered a part of the door design' Drawings may b-e. in-line or wa^sh. or both; all scaleJ to be indicated graphically'

To preserve the anonymity of drawings, g?tlt is to be sisned with a non de flume or other identifying device *[ich is also to be written on the outside of a plain whlte envelope containing the competitor's name and address' Drawinss mav be sent flat or rolled and are to be addt;;;; i"'ln. wneeler, osgood Company, pepartme.lt:f Design, Tacoma, Washington, before midnight' Aprll Jt" tgD.

Designs awarded prizes will become the property of the Wtreet& Osgood Company for publication or any other use'

Los Angeles Hoo Hoo To Hold Dinner and Concatenation-Snark Riner to be Guest

Los Angeles Hoo Hoo are arranging for a dinner and concatenation to be staged on,Jhursday evening, March 21' at the Commercial Club, Eleviinth and Broadway, Los Angeles. The meeting will open with a dinner, which will start sharply at7 p,m. There will be several entertainment numbers and snappy music during the dinner hour. Melvin fvf ni".t, Kansas Uity, Mo., will 5e present as the guest of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo.

S;";t Riier plans tq be in Los Angeles o-n pg{nt:qly and Thtirsday, -March 20 and 21, and the members of the Cita"t "ii at'tattging to give him a hearty reception'

Following the dinner, there w-ill be. a concatenation' J' E' Martin, vicEgerent snari< of the Los -Angeles district, is get;trs ht; Ni"E together for the occasion ind it is anticipated ;i;;? lh; iiii.nt-*itl strike manv rough spots in their journev through the onion patch. It is expected that a g-ood ;#J;l;J will be initiated and the members of the. Nine a*-*orLi"g hard to sign up all the available Kittens in the airtri"t" 'A-pplication b-lanks can be furnished by Scriveno[;-ivl;i c..it.-pt""-tei3;;j. E. Martin, VAndike 4565' A large attendince is expected to be on hand to meet S*f. fi".i. For further details on the meeting, watch for the announcements.

REATER BUSINBSS volume in 1929 rneans greater demands on your trucks. The new 1929 Morelands are engineered to give the lowest cost hauling in any specialized field. Eleven basic chassis range in capacities from oneton to 34rOOO pounds, each unit possessing eYery modern proved feature.

LOGGING in boggy roadless timberland is easy work for More-


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