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Frank A. HoY Makes SurveY snark Riner / *:r.,.,9::*:l'-:,fi"1?".YJ.L};'"i,*
Be Guest " 5::*:,j*f:.iii:fr'"f,":'J':11'l$,t'"'.'ff':?.iit":jffiq; of Bay District
Hoo Hoo
c"m.rit' do*p""y and the Monolith Portland Midwest ffl,ru L':.|i?,ff: ::'t1':,[?-.,1.'1f:':iiT;"1""T; fange, EventheDakotas,NebraskaandKansasaswellasldaho' Montana, Wyoming Colorado and New Mexico are looking forwal io *n.tt tf,e dam will be a reality' Mr' Hoy said' Frank o'connor ;J none of them feel that the Southwest has been especialHoo Hoo Club No. 9 will hold their regular meeting,on ly favored by the Federal Government.
Tuesday evening, March 26, at.llg U"lF I{.p91.^ Tot"",l, While the sales executive visited every section .of the San Frincisco. -The meeting will be called at 6:J0 r. NI. Midwest territory, his trip was made P?l! ptittttrily for .tt"tp. Frank O'Connor' Donovan Lumber Co', rvill act as ltt.- o"roo.e of visiting tire new $2,00O.000 plant of the mast'er of ceremonies and has arranged a special Irish pro- itt;";iiit P.rtland Midwest Company which recently was gram as an entertainment feature for the -eye.ning' completed at Laramie, Wyo. Thl mill started operations " M. M. Rin'er, Kansas City, snark of the Liniverse, rvtll be *itn " capacity of 2000 bairels ^ 4^y; he said, and it is exthe-guett of the Bay Disirict Hoo Hoo at the meeting' p".l.J init."i".ity production will'be reached at an early FollJwing the dinner and entertainment, Bert Johnson' ["i.. -gy instatting additionat machinery, the capacity pro"i."s.r.tit snark of the Golden Gate district will be in duction can be increased to 6000 barrels-a day.
"shipmentl arreaiv.are hand to greet Snark Riner. 'ndance wr' De on
81, THE PORT thirtv-o3e "ttt iite.' The Alexander Industries are the airORFORD CEDAR 'RODUCTS COM'AN' port'builders and it is said the stucco job is the largest one
The Port Orford Cedar Products company, who operat" iver awarded in Colorado"' several veneef ptani, una orr" sawmill L1 too. B"y, "r"
An interesting-feature of operations at the Larmie mill now installing addiiio""i r.iln of Moore"'s cio* Cirlrr"- is the fact that"the first carloid shipped went to Mccook' tion type at their sawmill at Millingtorr.- ftt" kiln will be Neb', the town in which Coy Burnett' president of the two a duplicate of one installed learly- ^ y"t^, arrd a h"lf "go. Monolith companies' was reared' Althou-gh a ltlltill-i"l: This company have iourrd that [{ooie'"-rr.* t<iln, wtrictr poration' the Monolith Portland Midwest Company ls is equipped with automatic temper.ture arrd humidity con- closely "tti"a *itn the Monolith Portland cement company trols and high powered air circulating ,y.i.L, *itt t iin ary of Cilitornia, both being under the sarne control and cedar lumber to a uniform final moiituie content and with management' less desrade than is secured from air seasoning' - '' Tf-t"'in.ieased drving capacity will be used for drying poii oito.d Cedar-tuiluef for-the manufacturing_ of ve- netian blinds, gasoline measurilg sticks, yard sticks, and shafts for arrows. Those specialties "r"-iJi"g-_,.,".rrrf".t,rr-
Harry T. Nicolai of the Nicolai Door company, Portland, ed by the oregon w;;-p;d;it. ,cot"p."y irho also harre recently spent several days in Los Angeles conferring with their manufacturrngi"irii., "i"ruiili"!to". his high powered representative, Mark l-illard.
Mill Worh
Serh & Doorr
'WelI Board
Evcrything in thc Building Linc