3 minute read
The Discovery of Mana$ement
By Merle ThorPe in
Even rchool boyt appreciate the dircoverier of Columbu, \f,/att, Parteur, Ediron' Curie, Marconi Their trail-blazing har bcen humanized and &amatized into e world-wide comprehension.
But, outdde of the phyrical redm, otrher dircor' erier, vital in th€ir conscquenoeq are being made by the whole people.
Perhape tte moot rignificant dircovery of tte prerent day ir the dir.over5r of manag:ement by the public and by itretf. Scnrtiny ir more and more directed to an apprairal of leaderr. Not co lons rgp the balance rh-eet war enough. But today, into the rcaler gp also the hunan anetr-the int€grity' the rkill" the eteadiners, the rerourcefulnes of nen in -""ii"s and interpreting changer in our living and thinkins.
Sdc. of rtock and the daily fotation of large blocb of securitiet renind ru that the public ir cap' italizing itr hith in t[e worde and workr of men.
Malasement likcryire har dircovered itr own pov' er. It ir eliminating waster in manufacturingr dir' tribution, letlb& financing-undrdamed of a decade ago. Note the ewideuce in e day'r new-r. The new manag€r of a public utility trimt out deadwood to the eient of $25O,mO ilr the fint three monthr of hir adminirtration The new head of a coal con' pany short-cutr his rtatirtical rrcrk at rub*antial rav' -s "ra now getr hir reportr dayr cadier. An old con.em doiog a vokme of nillionr at one per cent profiq taken over by nery and relourceful managF
Redwood Used In $2,000'000 / Pier at San Francisco
The Union Lumber Co., San Francisco, has supplied 762,000 feet of Redwood for roof sheathing in Pier 45, the new $2,m0,000 San Francisco pier which is expected to be ready about April 1.
The pier will berth comfortably any four of the largest steamsfiips now coming into the port.
Wilt Sell "Westfir" Flag Poles
The Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. announce that they have been appointed exclusive agents for California for "W'estfir" flag pbles, manufactured by the Portlan{Sp-ar Co. of Portland, Ore., and that Chas. J. Schmitt will in future be traveling representative of the company' selling this product in the Northern California territory.
Nationtr Burinesr
meng rhowr proepectr of yielding 15 per cent thir year. - Indurtry hath its red tape no lers renowned than government.
- Conrider tihe crisp ofier rirade by Sidney Z. Mitchell to Sir George Annstrong. "I will guarantee you to go to London and cut yorr price of power one' half if you will let me conrbine your dirtribrtion fa' fitieq'1 laid lt[r. Mitchell "Oh," rerpond'ed Sir George, ttth* could not be done becanre ttere are old cmptoycl nfio cannot be tunred off in any conrclidatiLn t' Said tt[r. Mitchell: "Tell me vortr 6nest country club, and I will buy it and-put all of theae people there, and hhe a tboueand lec-keyr to r.n-e the-; I will have golf and bitliardr and eve4'' thing else. 'Theo, I will-give tLem theteet tirne they everhad for the rect of their livee, and etill r.ve you money.tt ttl UoU enthuriarm of the rtaternent ir charac' teristic of a new race of executivel, who feel no loy; dty to tbe old order, who regard management a trurtecrbip "to help thb day live its life and thir gen' eration nake itr contribution to progreer.tt
The cxploitr of rnrnagement today' how senra' tional, how rpectacular! And what conqueatr the fut$; hotdr!- Tbe appetite for newer and greater obiectivec. the hungry demand for a chance to do "t[e impouibler" ir at onee a etiring tribute to An€rican burineu and an earned of greater tbingt to come.
New Policy Announced
Pacific Door and Sash Company has recently inaugurated a policy of merchandising their_beautiful entrance doors thit have created such a stir in Eastern and Mid-Western door markets.
Their plan certainly merits some investigation on the part of the dealers, as it is a strong bid for greater turnover and profits for all concerned, and seems to be the fi1s! s!!P of ita kind ever taken by a manufacturer acting individually. At the present time this company is in the process,of conducting a nationwide door designing contest in order that they may find suitable designs to incorporate with the ones that they now have.
Henry Mackin, general manager of the Canadian Westminstei Lumber Company, New Westminster, B. C., recently spent a few days in Los Angeles on business.

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