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5480 East Slauson Ave., P. O. Box 12O6, Arcade Station
Los Angeles, California
Arthur B. Griswold Appointed San Francisco Mana$er
Arthur B. Grimtolil noring the World War he was stationed at Kelly Field' Su" a"io"io, Texas, from where he was transferred to Brooks Field as t.ig."nt, first class, in the 134th Aerial sa;;e;.; *itn iryitt-g Status, a1d 1v1s later transferred to tlie Central Infaniry"Officers' Training School, and commissioned at the time the armistice was signed'
,/ Arttu, B. ("Art") Griswold,-who ,was recently -made ' *;;A; oi tn! su" ht""titco office of the C' D' Johnson Lumber Co*pany,-n"J. fot little introduction to the ma:"iiiy .i it'. i"t"h il;;;;" of the state' as he has been a worthy ,.pr....rt.lil. of his comp-any in both the northern .nd'ro.ri.hern parts of the state for several years' He was born in New Orleans, Louisiana' December,2' 1892, and spent his boyhood there-,-graduating trom KugDy A;;t li, rqro.' "d. .ni"ttd d'ashington & Lee Unir"rrity it ie*ington,^Vitgi"i", t" totlt *[ete he completed his ed'ucatiott, fJ.o-i.rg i member of the Tau Omega Fraternity.
After his marriage to Florence Bussey Hughes-of Jeanet.;t;;-L"., in SeptEmber, 192I, daughter of H' B' Hewes' --+i^-^ll.' nrnmincnf lnmherman. *ho is often referred to nationally prominent lumb-erman, l*:$iil$:r':{fr'}kff*ri!:::;;fr:Hi*;it oi..r Uoti"ess from the bottom up in the woods and plants ;i th.-I*;.i.tt" t-u-ber & Shingle Co., a member mill of the Louisiana Red Cypress Association'
When Mr. Hewes became financially interested in timber and lumber manufacturing plants on the Pacific Coast, Mr' Ctl*.ta realized that liith Cypress and Southern Pine .utting out at such a rapid rate in the SouJh, h-is owl future liy in getting a close acquaintance with West Coast *oods,'as lf ttris lime he had fully decided to stay with the lumbei business. So coming West he entered the employ of the C. D. Johnson Lumbir Co. in 1923 as a timekeeper at their big sawmill at Toledo, Oregon.
Spending two years at the Toledo plant, during which he workedin the various departments, he was transferred to the company's San Franciico office as a salesman, where he worked^ the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys, and the Peninsula territory for about two years.
Promotion came in September' 1928, when he was made manager of the Los Angeles office' He was then transferred back to the San Francisco office on February 1 of this year.
Mr. Griswold is a thorough lumberman. His interest in the business is as keen today as it was when he worked from 5:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the l-ouisiana woods, and he has an abiding faith in the future of the industry, and particularly the great concern with which he is associated.