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Estimated Softwood Consumption for New Agricultural Service 1929 Shows Slight Increase Prospectus
(Continued from Page 18) of l9D and 1.1 per cent during the second half as compared with last year.
Fiftv-five Northeastern box mills report estimated consumpt'ion of 263,000,000 feet of softwood and 23,000,000 feet of hirdwood; 17 central east mills report softwood conru-ptio" of ff,OOO,OOO feet and hardwood consumption of 47,000,000 feet.
. tstirnated Purchases of Lumber by Retail Yards rn 19i29 as compared with 1928 Per cent increase or decrease First half Last half year year
Southwest (including Missouri, Kansas. Oklahomi and Arkansas)--* 2.7
Northwest (including Washington, Oregon. Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utaf, and Arizona) -----+ 4.7
Mountain States (Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico) -.----------+
Recognizing the value of complete plans, specificatio.ns and bifs of iaterial to encourage and make it easier for the farmer to build, the California Redwood Association maintains an Agricultural Department to assist lumber dealers, farmers,iducational and agricultural interests with farm building problems. This department is- in charge of Max E. Coo[, iarmstead engineer, who has just prepared a new prospectus of the Agricultural Series of Redwood copyrightedbulletins, which will be mailed to any.lumber deiier-on request. Address, California Redwood Association, Agricullural Department, 24 Calif.ornia St., San Francrsco.
Arthur A. Scott
Arthur A. Scott, of Mukilteo, 'Wash., vice-president and general manager of the Crown Lumber Co., Mukilteo, died in Seattle, February 26, after a heart attack which came upon him when leaving a theatre.
'He is survived by his widow, a son, Myron, and a daughter, Mrs. Edward -Kline of Port Angeles, Wash.
Perry Dame In Northwest
P. A. Dame, western sales manager of the Creo-Dipt Company, Inc., with headquarters in Kans^as City, spent a few davs in San Francisco, lrround the first part of the month,-when he conferred with the Santa Fe Lumber Co., agents in Northern California for Creo-Dipt Stained ShingTes. He left March 6, tor a tour of the -Northwest, where he will visit Portland, Seattle and Spokane, and expects to return to San Francisco early in June'
*Attantic Statcs Shippers Advisory Board questionnaire. Softwood Tic and Lumbel Requircments of Clasc I Railroads (In M Fect
H. B. Murphy, president of the Portland Spar Co., Portland, Ore., wai a recent visitor to San Francisco, wh-ere he completed a deal with the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. to d.tt ttis company's "Westfir" flag poles in California. He left for Los Angeles, March 8, to confer with W. BWickersham of the Los Angeles office, after which he left for a visit to Texas.
Mr. Murphy's company specializes in the manufacture of flag poles, spars an{ sPuds.
Lumber Consumption llf,iscellaneous Industrid Users (In M Fcet)
Annual Increase in1929
Consumption lst half 2d'half Per cent increase
Hardwoods .-----...- 72,7i5 277 1,697 .8 4.7
Softwoods --......---. 22',931 315 845 l-4 3.7
ConsumPtion of Lumber for Bo:es
Total comparable data: (44 firms)
*Per cent of total mileage reporting, tAs estimated by reporting roads.
Consumption, 1928 ..-..-.'.-.-----..:.-----.-....--------------------------.-..--.-376,!21,7-Q1t \et
Anticipaied iequirements, 1929 -..------.- ----413,940,000 feet
Increase in feet -------.--- ^ 3?,51'z,'?6' "
Per cent increase l0 Per cent
Anticipated Requirernents f929 (M Feet) ' SOFTWOODS HARDWOODS