1 minute read

jac[< tsuilt

This is the boost in taxes sentt Around to the Landlord oPulent,

Flayed by the Judge on jus' tice bentt

Vho lists to tfie lartYer' eminent, Who adds his wail to the loud lament, Which greets the notice latelY sentt

To oust t{re tenant raised in fentt

Who lives in the Flouse that Jack built

,These are the curses eloquent, That follow the boost in taxes sent' Around to the l,andlord, oPulent,

Flayed by the Judge on justice bent, Who lists to tfie lawYe4 eminent, Who adds his wail to the loud lamentt \fhich greets the notice lately setrtt

To oust the tenant raised in rentt Vho lives in the House that Jack built'


This is the sale to another rgent, Which foltowed the boost in taxes sentt Around to the Landlord, oPulent'

Flayed by the Judge otr iustice bent,

Who lists to the lawYer, eminent, Vho adds his wail to the loud la' ment.

Vhich greets the notice, latelY sent,

To oust t{re tenant raised in rentt

Who lives in the House that Jack built.

This is the same old incident' Another raise in the tenantts rentt Another,loud and fierce lament,

The same stout lawYer, eminent, The same old Judge on justice bent, Another Landlord, oPulent, But the same old boost in taxes sentt

And the same old curses elo' quentt

Then another sale to another gentt

Of the same old House that Jack built.

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