1 minute read
ReaL Beautyo..-L Double Protection...
Your customers get all of these roofing essentials at one price when you sell them PIONEER
TAPERED SHINGLES . that's why it will be one of the fastest moving products you can stock this year! The thick, extra heavy butts cast a pronounced shadowline that adds greatly to their colorful beauty and distinction . and their size makes them readily adaptable to a number of attractive methods of laying up.
Pioneer Vinthrop Tapered Shingtes are laid 5 inches to the weather . . and where they are exposed is the place where they are doubly thick . doubly protectel against sun, wind, rain. . and time!
They are made of super quality felt coated and saturated with specially refined everlasting asphalt ' ' ' and heavily surfaced with non'fading Yosemite rock ' ' ' a combination that means years and years of service without repairs, paint or stain!
pioneer vinthrop Tapered shingles are ideal for new work . . and for re-roofing they go right over the old wood shingles. Here is a wonderful roofing value for yotrf, customers because their cost Per year is so amazitgly low!