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Dessert Redwood Co. BuYs I Bayside Mill
Announcement was made at Eureka recently of the sale of the Bayside Redwood Co. to the Dessert Redwood Co', by Howaid L. Dessert, Jr. The Bayside Company'9 gill "nd "tt its lumber and l6gging equipment are included in the deal, making it one of the largest and most important transactions in this district for some time.
The Dessert Redwood Co., which is a non-operating organization. has extensive timber holdings in Humboldt eounty. The mill will be operated by the Humboldt Redwood Co., which has been organized for that purpose, and Marzene Knighton will continue as plant manager for the new company.
Mr. Desseit will assume general charge of the operation, and will move his family from the East in the near future' Logging will be resumed soon and the mill will start up asa-ii aJ soon as possible. The new company will purchase ti-b"r from the -Dessert Redwood Co.
Move Executive Offices To Coast
Anl.ouncement is made of the removal of the executive offices of the W. I. Carpenter Lumber Co. from Minneapolis to Everett, Wash.
This move was made necessary by the increasing business of the company since taking over the exclusive seles of Pyroof Painted Shingles.
GGnn W. Carpenter, with his family arrived in Everett recently, after clbsing the executive -olfice in Minneapolis' W. I. earpenter, ;r., witl remain in Minneapolis in charge of thc sales offices there.
New Plant Will Ship to California Territory
It is announced by C. H. Wheeler, president, and E' A' Stevenson, sales manager of the Eagle Lumber Co', Portland, that they have reJently incorporated the Clark County Lumber Company at Vancouver, 'Wash. This company owns and wilf operate a plant consisting of band head saw, horizontal resaw, edger, two planers, one sticker and a dry kiln capacity of 50,000 feet a day. -The pla-nt.will be operated is a -cant remanufacturing plant, and the comPany will also do a conservative wholesale business.
G. R. Bleecker,24 California St., San Francisco, and H. A. Smith, Chamber of Commerce Building, Los Angeles, are the California representatives of this concern, which will specialize in high-grade, old growth Yellow Fir finish, mbuldings and factorY lumber'
F. A. Beltz, secretary of the A. P. Coats Lumber Comoanv. and Coats Driving & Boom Co., Tillamook, Ore., rei.ttftu returned home from an automobile trip to California, in th; course of which he visited Los Angeles and San *ancisco. While in the Bay city he conferred with Gtitzmacher & Gunton, agents for his comPany'
Mr. Beltz, who wai accompanied by his wife and child on the trip, returned to Oregon by way of the Redwood Highway.
Visits Bay District
I. B. Blair of the T. B. Blair Lumber Co., Placerville, was a iecent visitor to tlre San Francisco Bay district.