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Plastle Waterproof Portland cement Well Known and Widely Used
MONOLITH PORTLAND CEMENT COMPAT{Y l3th Floor, A. G. Bartlea Bldg. Lor Angeles, Calif. Phone: TRinity 7036
Monolith Plastic lTaterproof Portland Cement is the best known cement on the Pacifrc Coast today. For the past seven years the product has been consistently advertised to the general public, as well as to architects, and contractors. i
Monolith enjoys a wide use for waterproof. concrete and plaster work. It has successfully proved every claim made for its superior qualities, on many types of concrete construction, and under all kinds of weather conditions.
In handling Monolith Portland 'sfaterproof, dealers are assured of a product of proven reputation, and one that is favorably known not only to the buitding trades but the general public as well.