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not guaranteed-,so-""f iX# \Xro STORIES for 20 ]€trs-Some less

The Supreme Optimist

Ilere's the best optimist story I ever heard.

The cowboy went into a restaurant and ordered a beef steak.

The waiter brought him a rare steak.

He cut into it, an{ then beckoned the waiter.

"Partnerr" he said swerely, "I wanted this steak cook' ed.tt

"That steak's cooked," replied the waiter.

"Listen, friend," said the cowboy, still more earnestln

Southern Redwood Corporation Uses Washington Diesel Yarder

A Washington Diesel Yarder is being used in the logging operations oi the Southern Redwood Corporation. Thi" t: siid to be the first machine of this type to be used in a Redwood logging operation, although several other companies have used yalders that have been converted from steam to Diesel power.

Which reminds me of a ge,ntleman whose tastes were exactly the opposite of this first one (and the writer vouches for the tnrth of this story) who was asked how he wanted his steak, and he replied: "So rare that it bellows."


The McCormick Steamship Company announced recently the purchase of the stea-mels '?oint Judith" and "Point Lob6s" from Swayne & Hoyt. These steame-r-s will.replace the steamers "Wihkeena" and "Ernest II. Meyer" in the coastwise trade. The first mentioned steamers are sister ships with a deadweight tonnage of 3700 tons.

Phtltpplne DlahoganY Interior Trlrn

We carry extenrive' and well assorted stocks of Philippine MahoganY in CLEARS, SETECTS and COMMONS at our [.os Angelea yand. l.et us Lcrow what your requirements areyou will like our service.

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