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Paul Foster Occupies Chair at S. F. Hoo Hoo Dinner
Entertainment of excellent quality featured the get_tog_ether dinner of the San Francisco Limber Industriei Club Hoo H-o^o No.9, held at the Elks Club, San Fr"r;i;;;, F;t_ ruary 28.
.P-aul S. -Foster, Foster Brothers, fnc., was chairman of the evening, and to him the credit is due'for the seieciiott ot the artists who amused and entertained the gathering, which included several lumbermen from across it E t"y, ""? one from the Northwest.
Clint Mason entertained with dramatic readings, his reci_ !1tjon of the poem "Fog,' by Wallace Irwin fti"i *r"t enJoyed.
Erwjn lfolton, a tenor singer_ of exceptional ability sang a number of songs, and responded generously to many enl cores.
Willem Dehe, leading cellist of the San Francisco Sym_ phony Urchestra, delighted his audience .with his playing, and George Keil did a good job as accompantst.
Club members who contributed to the entertainment were Chairman Foster, who told some new stories, and lql," A. Stroud, E. J. Dodge Co., who sang.a fipfi"g'r""S wrthout piano accompaniment, and was forced tb rdsponl to requests for another song.
Oakland Hoo Hoo Get Redwood Plaque
At a recent meeting_of E191 Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39, th.e.Chicago Lu_m!e1 Co. of Washington presented the club with a sand-etched Redwood plaquef bearing the embllm of the order on an attractive baikground.
Redwood Movies Shown Lt Escalon
Charles Moorehead,. manag'er of the Irwin Lumber Co., Escalon,_sponsored the showing of the moving pi"t".. film of The Pacific Lumber .Co"mp_any,s neawoSa;;;;;: tions, at the meeting of the Lions"Ctui, "t Escalon, M;ch I st-
The film was also exhibited at the Escalon High School, the Escalon Grammar School and the Van AlleriGrammar School.
%nrlnsaranceDollar How it Grows and Where it Goes
Your insurance dollar, invested in l"lmber Mutual Policies, grows to $1.07 in protection and dividendg. The 6rst 39/2 cents goes back to policy holders to cover logses suffered. The next 22tl cints goes for operating expensea-an exceedingly low operating cost. Then 40 cents comes back to you in dividends- (the 1v9IaC9 dividend from our six companies). Your dollar has-alleddy grolvn to $ 1.02, but th.re is still ap- prorimately 5 cents which is added to the surplus held for the protection of policy holders. Such a return is made possible by other income from investment of surplus, etc.
Lumber Mutual Insurance is specialized to meet the particular needs of the lumber industry. Our resourceg and reputation guarantee prompt payment of losses. Our dividends epeak for themselo." ;tr reducing insurance costs.
Any ol our cornpanies zuill be glad to gitte gou full inforrnation in regard to our policies, our fire preaention seraice, our diaidends, and our payrnent of ctuims.