2 minute read
N.L.M.A. Annual APriL 24'25
Washington, D. C., March 4.-T!e annual meeting- of t-he National i,t-6.t Manufacturers' Associatioh is called for April 24 and' 25 at Chicago.
The general open meetings will be held on April 24 and' the corimittees of the association, which do not meet earlier, will occupy the balance of the two-day- ses-sion' ^Th.e stockholders' ittd directors' meetings will be held on April 25.
At the annual dinner, on the evening of the 24th, a speaker of national prominence will address the lumbermen' Through the courtesy of the Westinghouse Electric Comp"r,v. i"hi"h has been broadcasting a series of "salutes" to ihe great industries of America, an evening on Lumber has been arranged by them fot the 24th.
Booklet on Small Barns
A booklet of plans for small barns, prepared by Prof. L. J. Smith, head of the Division _of Agricultural Enginee.ring, Washington State College, Pullman, Was.h., is availab-ie in singlJ copies rvithout cost 'from this institution. The booklet diicussei various types of small barns in the light of sanitation, convenience and economy.
]ll06fNs tUMBtR 00.
REDlv()()D C().
, W. R. Charabertin' Jr.
Phyllir Barbue C
Hcad O6cc 1025 Matron Bldg. sAN FRANCISCQ
262 Chamber of Connctsco Blds.
PORTLAND-I2I0 Ycon Bldg.
SEATTLE-l{lll whitG Blds.
Mechanical Handling Gives Your Yard an Operating Advantage
Every cut in your produc- ilon expenses means an increase in the profit column. The record baik of prosperous yards using the
Hilke Piler
(Pat'd. in U. S. md Camda) proves the possibility of substantial savings. It enables lt*tl^!tt. -ordinary crew to pile 10,000 feet of lumber per hour, higher and better. This medns f aster drying, increased yard capacity, fewer pile bases and roof boards and lessened alley upkeep. Complete details -upon request.
Murry Jacobs Co.
528 Firt Avc. So. - Seattls
Su Fmcirc - Lc Angclcr
Nw Orleanr
Mfd. bv
Johnson Mfg. Co. Seattle, Wchinat@
Fageol Opens Factory Branch at Sacramento
The Fageol Motors Company has recently opened a fac- tory branch in Sacramento, at l?lg C Stieet, under the name of the Fageol Motors Sales Company. Mr. T. L. Baumgartner, who has been with the Fageof Motors Company since 1917, will be the manager of this branch. Mr. Baumgartner has had a wide e*perience in the problems of truck operation, having served the Fageol Mbtors Company, in an executive capacity, since its beginning.
"The location of the new branch is in thi ."-d buildirrg that was forme-rly occupied by Sowers-Fageol Company", 'rvho were the former Fage,ol dealers in Sairamentoj' according to Mr. Baumgartner.
"l!.e.lolicf of the Fageol Motors Company has been to cstab{sh factory branches in all the large-cities on the pacific Coast. The large nu.mber of Fagiols nolv in opera- tion in Sacramento and adjacent territo;ry has made it'necessary to open a factory branch in Sacramento so as to have adequate supplies and standard parts near at hand.', Bauntgartner states. "The service dipartment will have in stock all s'tandard parts of well-knowi trucks, promising to maintain a most efficient service to big truck-operatori in the Sacramento territory.
"This_ Fageol sales and service plant has been organized to handle the special needs of truCk operators in thi"s terri- tory," said Baumgartner. "The factory is less than 100 miles away and brings to this section one of the most comp.lete service depots in Northern California. Transporta- tion problems have such ,complexity and vary so from dis- trict to district that a close c,ontact ls needed io be of great_ est_ help and assistance in showing the purchaser hJw to make the greatest profit out of his investment.,'