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Harry O. Stewart Appointed Manager at Robblns
Lumber merchants can expand their business by meeting the popular demand for Truscon Steel Casements. Standard units are now available with either Rol-up Screens or Hinged Screens. Both Casements and Screens combine high quality with low cost. Our Los Angeles factory, local warehouses and Pacific offices insure prompt service. Vrite for dealer plan.
Truscon Steel Company
Pacific Coast Factory, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, Calif. - 5480 E. Slauson Ave.
San Francisco, Calif. - 74 New Montgomery St.
Seattle, Wash. - 310-311 Seaboard Bldg.
Portland, Ore. - 449-4SZ Kerby St.
^ Harry O. Stewart, formerly with the Red River Lumber Co. at _Westwood, has, been appointed manager of fne O;a_ mond Match Co. yard at Robbins and A. L] Given, former manager, has been transferred to the Woodland yard as salesman, it is announced by Ira E. Brink, superiniendent of retail yards for the company.
W.-Hr.Nigh, San Francisco, assistant sales manager for the McCloud River Lumber, Co., spent a few days ?n Los Angeles the first of the month. He was a visitor "i itr" .o-qanyls I-os_ Angeles office where he conferrea w;tfr'L. S. 'l urnbull, southern california and Arizona representative.
There Is A Reason
Why the largert millr are inrtalling our IMPROVED .A,IR COOLED REFI,'SE BURNERS.
WE ARE ABLE to care for your requirerneurts for air cooled and brick lined refgse bunrers_ new and rued boilere of all sizer and gpes.
Seattle Boiler Works
Scettlc, Werh.