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East Bay Hoo Hoo Hear True Story of "Lost" Battalion
Col. Nelson M. Holderman, Commandant of the Veterans' llome, Napa, held the interest and attention of a large gathering of East Bay Hoo Hoo at their regular monthly meeting held at the Athens Athletic Club, Monday evening, March 10, with his dramatic recital of what happened to the so-called "Lost" Battalion at the Battle of the Argonne in October, 1918.
Col. Hotderman, who was second in command, tolcl a harrowing tale of the hardships undergone by the heroic batta-lion which advanced a mile and a half beyond the American line, under strict orders to do so, and who held their position in spite of the concentrated efforts of the enemy to dislodge them, losing 508 of their original strength of. 7OO officers and men in the six days and nights which elapsed before they were relieved.
H. Douglas Cook, of the Western Door & Sash Co., Oakland, himself a World 'War veteran, was chairman of the evening.
President Bert Bryan presided, and announced that members of the club had already promised to bring 21 Kittens to the big Concatenation to be held at the Athens Athletic Club, I\{onday April 14, the regular meeting day of the club.
Paul Overend, vicegerent of the Monterey district, said he hoped his district would provide a number of Kittens.
Robert P. Coleman Manager of Hoffman-Glasson
Robert P. Coleman, for the past two years assistant manager of the Glasson-Hoffman Lumber Company. San Diego, was recently appointed manager of the company. Mr. Coleman "knows his lumber" and prior to his coming to Southern California was connected with the Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau in the Northwest for a long period. He is well known to the San Diego trade.
Bryan Douglas Harris
A happy event occurred in the family of Lloyd Harris, salesman for the Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., San Francisco, when a fine baby boy, Bryan Douglas Harris, arrived on March 5. Both Brvan and his mother. Mrs. Verna Harris, are reported to be doing nicely at the Peralta Hospital, Oakland.
Al Nolan Visits Mountain States
Al Nolan, manager of Western sales for The Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco, left on March 9 f.or a three weeks' business trip to the Mountain states.
A. E. Adlesberger, president of the Port Orford Cedar Products Company, Marshfield, Oregon, recently spent several days in Los Angeles on business and pleasure. He was accompanied by his family.
A. W. Clark, well known Northwest lumberman, has moved to Los Angeles where he will make his home. Mr. Clark has resided in Portland, Oregon, for nearly thirty years, where he was connected with the logging and manufacturing business.