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How Lumber Looks
Douglas Fir-A total of 322 mills reporting to the Vest Coast Lumberments Association for the week ended February 27, opetated at 23.3 per cent of capacity, as compared to 25.5 per cent of capacity for the previous week and 39.1 per cent for the same week last year. During t{re week of February 20, 185 of these plants were reported as down and, 137 as operating. Those operating reported production as 45.9 per cent of their group capacity.
Productioq shipments and orders reported to the Association by 214 iderrtical mills for the week ended February 27 werc as follows: Production 56r290r52t feet; shipments 6816081379 feet; orders 6416241973 f.eet. Cunent new business was 14.8 per cent over production, but totaled 3r0OO'OOO feet less than the footage received the previous week. These mills reported production 6,000,000 feet less than tte week before. For the eighteenth successive week orders were in excess of production, the longest continuous period in at least ten yearc in which orders were reported in greater volume than production. The preent better relationship between orders and production is due to the extremely low production since late in October.
Details of orders and shipmerrts at these mills for the week follow: Orders-Rail 2O,tO5rO27 feet; Domestic Cargo 26,290rO84 feet; Export l2r700r$t, feet; Local 513291029 f.eet. Shipment*Rail 20r340rt97 feet; Domestic Cargo 2913281706 f.eeti Export 131610,647 feet; Local 5,329,O29 f.eet.
Inventories as reported by 144 mills were decreased 9r0O0r0O0 feet during the week ended Februaty 27, and are 15.7 per cent less than at this time last*/ear.
fn t{re California market, wholesalers report that the volume of,business in the metropolitan areas has shown improvement during the past two weeks, while in the outlying districts the demand continues light. The new coatswise freight rates are on a firm basis, which means that cargo lumber prices have advanced accordingly. Mill prices on new business are reported firm. Unsold stocks on the public docks at San Pedro on
B. W. Lakin, general manager of The McCloud River Lumber Company, McCloud, Calif., was a recent Southern California visitor where he spent two weeks at Santa Monica. Mrs. Lakin accomDanied him on the trip.
A. C. Horner, manag'er of the Western office of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, announces the removal of their western office from the Call Building to 45 Second street, San Francisco.
March 9 totaled 617721000 feet. Cargo arivals at San Pedro for the week ended March 5 totaled tr547r000 feet, the lowest tecotded for some time, and included four cargoes of Douglao fir carrying 3r347rOOO feet, and one cargo of redwood with 2001000 feet. On March 3, 66 lumber vecsels in tte California service were laid up .ur compared with 64 f.or the previous week; 47 vessels were operating on March 3, including the Missoula, which is in the intercoastal sewice.
No impottant change in the lumber movement was indiceted for the week ended February 27 in reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from regional associations covering the operations of 695 leading hardwood and softwood mills. Production at tfiese mills totaled 100r059rq)0 feet, with orders exceeding this figure by 44 per cent and shipments exceeding it by 48 per cent. The reported cut and order and shipment relations to it are in line with ratios that have obtained for some weeks past. A week eadier 716 mills repoted orders 36 p* cent above and shipments 40 per cent above I production of 110,475'fi)0 feet.
The Southern Pine Association for the week ended February 27 rcpotted, new business from 125 mills as 291274r@0 feet' shipments 28r497rOOO feet, and production 1919511000 feet. Orders wete 47 per cent above production and 3 per cent above shipments. Shipmenc were 43 per cent above production.
The Western Pine Association reported new business from 126 mills as 37r517,OO0 feet, shipments ,tr235r00/0 feet, and production 1014311000 feet. Orders wete 221 per cent above production and 7 per cent above shipments. Shipments were 199 per cent above production.
218 hardwood mills for the same week reported new businese as 13r(D6,000 feet, or 15 per cent above production. Shipments wete l4r9O4rO0O feet, or 31 per eent above production. Production was L1,345,OOO feet.
Fire, probably started from a passerby's cigarette, damaged the yard of the San Francisco Lumber Co., foot of Taylor street, San Francisco, and some nearby buildings to the extent of $75,00o, early in the morning of March 7.
Dean Cook Returns From Business Trip
Dean Cook, sales manag'er of the Madera Sugar Pine Co., Madera, Calif., has returned from a business trip calling on the trade in the Middle Western states. While en route to the mill, he spent a few days in the Los Angeles territory.