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1932 Program Calls for lncreased Evans Products Company Sales

Promotion Activity

The Insulite Company is contributing to the return of merchandising confidence in the building materials industry during the present year by strong campaigns in all departments of its organization through the medium of a concerted drive to bring about a rejuvenation of building and remodeling. Within the past thirty days representatives of the executive ofiflces have completed a six thousand mile tour of company branch offices. At these meetings conducted by Tom V. Sawyer, sales manager, R. E. Sherer, assistant sales manager, and Richard P. Dodds, advertising and salbs promotion manag'er, the entire merchandising plan for the year 1932 was introduced to the assembled. branch sales groups.

Retaining every featurb of it5 100 per cent retail lumber dealer merchandising policy which in 1931 enabled the company to increabe'its volume of sales over 193O, the 1932 program calls for increased advertising,' increased sales promotion activity, new display material at the point of sale, an outstanding visualized merchandising presentation containing 34 lineal feet of dealer helps, and the announcement of four new Insulite products.

In introducing its trew display at the point of sale, the company has made available to the dealer the Insulite electric clock and the Insulite man. The electric clock. twenty- five year guaranteed, is enclosed within a solid Americin black walnut case. The clock, which is 15 inches square, carries a timely sales message which has been silk-screened on its dial, by the fade-proof silk-screen process, to prevent fading. The Insulite man, made of. fi inch Insulite, has its right arm extended so that it may be placed in a position pointing directly toward the clock, and it, too, carries a "Build Now" message.

The four nerv Insulite products to be manufactured by the company are a 5/16 inch dual-surface Wallboard, Fireproof Wallboard, Super-Lath and Hardboard. Each of the eighteen Insulite products is manufactured at the company's mills at International Falls, Minn., and Karhula, Finland.

Al Nolan Returns From Arizona Trip

Al Nolan, The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, has returned from a trip to Arizona, where he spent a few weeks calling on the trade. Before returning to San Francisco, he spent several days in Los Angeles calling on the dealers and conferring with Gus Hoover, the company's Southern California representative.

Purchase New Plant

The Evans Products Company, Ltd., who recently purchased the plant of the Yellow Cedar Products, Ltd., Vancouver, B. C., are now installing two Moore Reversible Cross Circulation double track single ended kilns 14 feet wide by 4O feet long. The fans will be mounted on a longitudinal shaft in the roof of the kiln buildings instead of underneath the stock loads as is the usual practice. The dry kiln buildings are being constructed of 6x6 T& G cedar crib.

The Evans Products Company are manufacturers of battery separators, having plants in the United States at Palatka, Florida; Jackson and Meridian, Mississippi ; York, Alabama; Detroit, Howard City and Brighton, Michigan; South Bend, Indiana; Marshfield and Cedar Point, Oregon. At their Marshfield operation the Evans Products Company have a modern battery'of seventeen of Moore's Reversible Cross Circulation kilns which are used to dry their entire output of sliced battery separator stock. These separators are marketed under the trade name of "Epco". Shipments of trattery separators are also. made to foreign countries, including England, France, Italy, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Australia, and South America.

The new operation at Vancouver, B. C., marks the entry of the Evans Products Company in Canada.and is under the management of M.. J. H. Hailey and Mr. Ralph Cole. The order for dry kilns and dry kiln buildings was awarded to the Cawston Dry Kiln Company, Ltd., Vancouver, B. C., who represent the Moore Dry Kiln Company in Canada. It is understood that the new dry kilns will be ready for operation the early part of March;

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