1 minute read

Valuable Publicity for Redwood

Western Cattle Markets & News, official publication of the Western. Cattle Marketing Associgtion, is publishing a series of news articles supplied by Max E. Cook, head of the Redwood Farm Structures Bureau, San F{ancisco. The articles deal with the various farm structures recornmended by the BLreau, and each article carries an announcement that free plans are available to readers on application.

Floyd Dernier Calling On Retail Trade

Floyd Dernier, Lumberrnenls Srcrvice Association, l.os Angeles, is on a two weeks' trip calling on the retail dealres in the Coast Counties,. Sacramento.and San Joaquin Valleys, and San Francisco Bay tirritories.

Indlvldual Attentlon

Your order gets the same. .courteous, , individual attention from our organization urhethet .it be large or small. rX/e consider this an essential part of our service.

Our Motto: Less-Db 'More" and

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