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P.y Dividends Hold Golf Tournament

The national forests of California have returned to the State and counties a total of $4,311,456, to and including the fiscal year 1931, in lieu of taxes on government owned lands within the national forests. This represents 25 per cent of the gross revenues derived by the U. S. Forest Service from the sale and use of resources within the national forests. An additional $1,6D,161, or ten per cent of the revenues, has been spent in cooperation with the State and counties for construction and improvement of trails and secondary roads within the forestl, not including coooerative assistance on forest highways which are part of the State highway system. This mak6s a total sum of $5,94O,617 returned to California by the Forest Service. This is the largest return received by any State, the second largest being Oregon, rvhich has reCeived a total of $3,784,861. The average annual return to California from the national forests, including all road work, recreation facilities and indirect benefits. exceeds bv $346.00O the annual taxable value of government landl administered by the Forest Service.

Southern California lumbermen will hold their annual spring golf tournament and dinner at the Hollywood Coun- try Club, Hollywood, Calif., on Friday, March 18. All lumbermen are invited to attend. The- prizes include the 'lFlank Burnaby" cup for the low gross ivinner, and ..The California Lumber Merchant" cqp for the low net score: Prizes will also be awarded to the first and second winners in four flight events. The tournament will start at 12:3O p.m. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m.

The_arrangements committee appointed by the Los Ang9l9g Hoq Hoo includes: Harry Hanson, chairman; Don Philips, Kenneth Smith and Ed. Martin.


Ed. Middleton; superintendent of Anderson & Middleton Lumber Co., Aberdeen, Wash., recently made a business trip to San Francisco and Los Angeles, where he conferred with his company's California sales agents, W. R. Chamberlin & Co.

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