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Coast Counties Club Holds Third Annual Meeting
The third annual meeting of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club was held at the American Legion Hall, Hollister, Friday evening, February 26.
President George N. Ley presided, and W. A. Bales of Hollister, chairman of the arrang'ements committee, welcomed the visitors.
Secretary-Manager M. D. Bishop announced the newly elected officers for 1932. These were all re-elected and are as follows: President, George N. Ley; vice-president, Arthur Hayward; treasurer, J. H. Kirk; secretary-manager, M. D. Bishop.
George Wood, Wood Bros. Co., Santa Cruz, presented the report of the roofing committee of the California Lumbermen's Council, of which he is chairman.
The report of the millwork committee of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club was given by T. A. Work, Jr., T. A. Work Lumber Co., Monterey, chairman of the committee.
J. H. Kirk, S. P. Milling Co., San Luis Obispo, presented the report of the cement committee.
W.H. Enlow, Hammond Lumber Co., Watsonville, spoke on "The Hardwood Flooring Situation."
"How the Association Looks to the Small Yard Owner", was the topic discussed by J.E. Norton, Norton-Phelps Lumber Co.. Twin Lakes.
F. G. Duttle, Sterling Lumber Co., Oakland, talked on "Association Activities in Northern California."
"Outlook for the Building l\{aterial Merchants f.or 1932" was discussed by J. F. Kallam, Central Supply Co., Watsonville.
Frank Haller, Sterling Lumber Co., Hollister, took as his subject, "How to Squeeze a Profit Out of a Two Man Yard."
Vice-President Arthur Hayward talked on "'What Procedure Should Lumber and Building Material Dealers Pursue if They Would Realize a Profit in 1932?"
"What King of Medicine Does the Lumber and Building Material Business Need," was discussed by George A. Good, G. A. Good Lumber Co., Pacific Grove.
D. C. Essley, manager of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, outlined the progress of the State Association.
Harry A. Lake, president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, gzve one of his inspirational talks, which was much enjoyed by the gathering.
In appreciation of Mr. Ley's splendid services as president of the club during the past three years he was presented with two handsome pieces of sealskin luggage, a Gladstone hand trunk and a handbag, both bearing his initials.