1 minute read

"L"k Appreciation

In his article, "Moses is Here", rvhich appeared in a recent issue of The Cali{ornia Lumber Merchant. Sam T. Hayward, vice president of the Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., Los Angeles, said:

"Harry Lake is a man of whom we all should be proud. We should honor him for rvhat he is and thank him for what he has done for all of us.I have something to suggest. The finest watch that mere monev can buy with the inscriotion in the back, 'To the finest lumberman of us all.' I think Harry would be proud of such a watch but prouder still of the sentiment that went with it. I am attaching to this article as it goes in a check made to'California Lumber Merchant' marked 'Lake Appreciation Fund.' Come, join the parade. Send in your check if Harry has ever done anything for you."

With his article, Mr. Hayward enclosed a check for $25.00, and to date a number of lumbermen have responded to his suggestion-the list would be too long to print.If you want to be included in this expression of appreciation to Mr. Lake, send in your check to this office at once as the fund will close at an early date.

New Primitive

Areas Created in National Forests

Two new primitive areas in the national forests o{ California have just been created by Chief Forester R. Y. Stuart, Washington, D. C., according to a statement by S. B. Show, U. S. regional forester. These are the Devil Canyon-Bear Canyon primitive area embracing 56 square m,iles and including the entire drainage basins of Devil, Bear and Chileno Canyons in the Angeles National Forest; and the San Rafael primitive area of 117 square miles located on the main crest of the San Rafael range in the Santa Barbara National Forest. The Devil Canyon-Bear Canvon area covers the mountainous country in tire vicinity of Mt. Islip, with elevations reaching over 8,000 feet. fhe S"rt Rafael area includes Bald Mountain and Big Pine Mountain, which reach over 6,800 feet elevation.

Both of these areas are accessible only by trail and, according to Forest Service policy, will be-preserved in their present wild state. No roads will be constructed and no permanent structures will be allowed except those necessary for protection and administration of the national forests by the Forest Service.

Do You Know That

'We can deliver anywhere in large or small lots:

REDWOOD or DOUGLAS FIR LOGS (with or without bark)




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