1 minute read
Appointed G"n"r.l
!.obert H. Byles has been appointed general manager merly logging superintendent of both 'these companies' fornia Retail Lumbermen's Association, at the Hotel cali- succeeds James clifford' who died recently' fornian, Fresno. on Saturclay afternoon, February 2O, Har.ry
At a meeting of the state board of directors of the Cali-
Purchases Yard at Inglewood
Auburn, wis re-elected vice president of the Northern District, ancl Earl Johnson, Johnson Lumber Co., Pasadena, The Lennox Lum_ber & SqpplI Company, Inglewood, rvas re-elected vice president of the Southern District. Ross Calif., has been purchased !y l't. E. Joslin, who has taken Blanchard, Blanchard Lu,mber Co., North Hollywood, u'as over active charge of the business. Mr. Joslin has been re-elected treasurer. treasurer of the Woodhead Lumber Company, Los An-'
The following directors were present: F. Dean Prescott, geles, for the past several years and will still retain his Francis Boyd. Earl Johnson, Roy H. Meyer, E. T. Robie, interest in that company. Mead Clark, Ira Brink, Henry Adams, S. E. Dalton, Paul A. Ingvoldstad, the former owner of the Lennox LumN{. P. Merner. C. G. Bird, A. L. Hubbard, W. A. Bales, Ar- ber & Supply Company, is also engaged in the lumber thur Hayrvard, Elmore King, Ralph Duncan, A. _|. Stoner, business in St. Paul, Minn., ry_hgt.. he plans to return in Paul Hjllingby, Chas. P. Curran, Ross Blanchard, Fled the near future and devote all his time to his interests Chapin and H.'A. Lake. there.