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Sacramento Valley Lumbprmen's Club Meeting
The monthly meeting of the Sacramento Valley Lumber- y/ President Chapman then introduced the Speaker of the men's Club wls held at the Senator Hotel; Sacramento, on -Day, B. J. Williams, Director of Sales, Paraffine Companies, Saturday, March 21. President Lawrence H. Chapman Inc., of San Francisco. Mr. Williams' subject was "Buildpresided-. ing a Business That Lasts." This address Mr. Williams
Joe Shepard, Chairman of the Legislative Committee, also made before the recent convention of the Western reiorted that of the ,eleven bills preslnted to amend the Retail Lumbermen's Assobiation at Seattle and appears in Lien Law, only two were passed and these were only of a full inthe "California Lumber Merchant;" the first installminor nature ind caused no harm to the lumber industry. ment appeared in the March 15 issue, the second installHe stated that the four bills on which the lumber industry ment appears in this issue. This remarkable address is of the state was the most concerned, Senate Bills 642 and commended to the lumbermen of the state as one of the 643 and Assembly Bills 581 and 585, were all defeated. most remarkable documents of its kind, full of highly inHe said that this- victory alone should act as a favorable structive merchandising thoughts_ and ideas. point for new members t6 join the State Retail Association, The following wer€ pres_ent at the meeting ilso for the present memb6rs to continue their membership ! E_. B-ri$, California Door Co.;
C. D-.lleMaster made a report on the "Code of Ethics" discussion at the Central California Lumbermen's meeting Utr. f.- E]' Fraser, Califoriria
Association on March 14. He referred to the Preliminary "Code'of bee. pr.pai"a 6y Ct"" C. B.J. Williams, Paraffine Companies, Inc....
Ethics,, Draft that nr.
Francisco Bird and Matt Harris for the California Retail Lumber- C'-N' Franklin' Southern Pacific Companv' men's Association. "Putting the code into practice is the big thing," said Mr. LeMalter. He stated, 'if we will Waltcr _Bakcr, Tlendrickson
"Elk Grove a hisher_plane.,, ""':'" Lu *' rr
.iiay1rt3'coa" "J"anere to it, it will p;iih; industry on Homer Derr, i. M. Derr Lumber
M?s. l. E. Fraser, Secretary of the California Retaii ii;rty-Full*,'ru1ir irimbcr Co.....
Lumberinen's Association, spolie on the work done by the Q.!!_. Frasei, Chicago & Alton R. R... ......San Francisco CementCommitteeoiSt"t"^A'sociation,and.alsoreferredW.Keatin.g.j...... to the accomplishments of the Legislative Committee at the W' A' Wai-den' Home Builder's Lumber Co" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'Gridlcv last session of the Legislature. She said that the Associa S:SirHlit:''::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.i3!lXfi!13 tion needed the co-operation of the Lumbermen's Clubs, Bill Pgterson, Calif. Stucco Products Co...'. ....Sacramcnto ;;J ";;.ain.* to "-r'. ltt-.-Si.t. Ario"i"ti"n as a clearing Jack spellman " " " " " 'Sacramento [."ri,3.ii"g-that boih *"uta benefit by such co-operationl (Continued on Page 62.)