3 minute read
Ertablirhed 1885 f
6/2 Circlc S
Speciel Starr
Alro Circle S Clearr t Perfectr t Royalr
All Red Ccdar Shingler
Lor Angclcr t28 I. N. Van Nuyr Bldg.
MEtropolitan 0845
'Gl ur *--t^ u3vr6-69"Team Work with the Retail Lumber Merchant."
Aberdeen, Werhington
.A,. J. WEST
Thc vcry bcrt of Soft Old Growth Ycllow Fir Stock From Grayr Harbor
\[e Know thc Quality Cannot bc Sutlrarcd SAN FRANCISCO, NEWHALL BUILDING
Kearncy lll0
First of all, mainly, now and forever after, we posrtively do give you intelligent service, For €xample: A phone call to our office regarding the delivery of an order, is a stop signal throughout the offices, until the information is obtained and imparted to you. And the order goes as promised. A big thing in this line of business.
We mark no orders "Special Attention." That kind of attention is given every piece that goes through our plant.

Have you ever noticed the pleasant voice at our end of the telephone line ? This isn't an accident. The next iime you call, mark this point.
We are constantly at work on new things, new ideas, trying new methods of manufacture, and attempting to cut down the well-advertised "overhead," all with the idea of so increasing our efficiency to make this institution all the more necessary to your business.
The addition to our plant will be in operation soon, watch for the announcement about it. We will be equipped to turn out anything in veneers, made in our own plant, and according to Koehl specifications of quality.
^A,fter all, there irntt much choice when ordering rarh and door product4 if you considcr only the price. The Koehl inrtitution ir devoted to one main prrpole in fu burine$ life, and the rucces and groyrth altending the budnec, ia ruftcient proof of the wirdom of the policy.
Thir purpoce, wittout any frilli or trimmiqr' is' "To Satirfactorily Serve You."
FROLIC AT ,,STAG, PART1' wood,department of the Woodhead Lumber Company_, Lo-s Announcements have been mailed to everv man inter_ Angeles, and has taken a position with the Diamond Hard- ested in the lumber business, i; S;;Ae;" -e"iiirr"i",- .f wood company, in the same city. a monster "Stag" Party.and-jinx, t-o be held at. the Ship Cafe, Venice, oi the night of-May first.
Mr. F. E. Pierce has resigned his position in the hard-
A Committee of tweniy is working out the,arrangements
F. M. Van Houten, for some time manager for the Ham- and details. The affairlis being hEld as a 'Lumb-ermen's mond Lumber Company at Frawley, wilf resign on April Party, for all lumbermen, sash"and door men, hardwood first to become actively associated in'a yard atEanta Ciuz, mettj.tc., and their guests. in which he recently purchased an inteiest.
He will be succeeded at Brawley_ by Mr. R. W. IVIcC_une, MILLWORK INSTITUTE OFFICIALS ATTEND who has been at the Pomona yard operated by the Ham- NORTHERN MEETINGmondLumo"'Co-o:l-Mr.HarryGaetjen,preridentoftheMillworkInstitute cHANGES rN NErrLEroN oRGANrzArroN tt"t3j'i?:'Af.t^5;,3i il:*il?,Y#glg#KTi',i;lj; _ Paul_W. Masters, for several years manager for the Net- Millwork Association, at Seattle. tl9tgn- Lumber C^ompany, Los Angeles, haJresigned to go irt"/rtrppJ"it""o*" and portland, on the returlr trip. with L. H. Ives & Company

He is succeeded by Mr. H. A. Smith, who has been assist- ant manager at Lo's Angeles for some time, and *tto ir
"GIJS" HOOVER BACK HOME very well known througti-out Southern California. . Ml 4^I-. (Gus) Hoover, Los Angeles_pepresentative for Mr. Carl Koerner, ioimerty of the Duncan Lumbnr the Pacific Lumber Company and the Wendling Nathan Company, will assist Mr. Smiih. Company, returned to Los Angeles on March 26{h, after a sourHERN PrNE-ASSOCTAffiT HOLD ANNUAL J;i;tol*:t"nt month's trip' with Mrs' Hoover and their two
The Tenth Annual Meeting of the Southern Pine Asso- . Thqy journeyed to New York, via the Canal, returning ciation was held at the Roosevelt Hotel, New Orleans, b{ rail. March 24 and 25.
Col. Wm. B. Greeley, Chief United States Forest Service, I E. V. BABCOCK A CALIFORNIA VISITOR spoke on "The Business of Growing Trees." I E. V. Babcock, Babcock Lumber Co., pittsburg, is visitHETNEcKo ro opow arorHER. yArD
:X-. t:-f*ll'lT".n#'.*H1"1:3i:t:S"[f-"'.1".tt[:J#
It is understood that the Heinecke Lumber Company, C"".t. 'ittl- g"h5"ilLrt"u"t'c..-"t. r"ig. eistern whole- with yards at Upland and Ontario, will open a third^yaid salers and distributors of a large volumjof pacific Coast at Claremont. lumber.
And in Boston too,
Superior Brand (}ak Floors
Another notablc ex. ample showing thc llls*frfi elgt',',t#g Finest" oak floorinc is :erving. America's.ldad. lng cttlzens rn e[hanc- ir.rs. gnd beautif ying tnetr nomes.
!hi_s exclusive ap-artment _located on arbtocratic B€acon Street, Boston, is floored throughout with