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Lumber grades are standard, but..oo
ther e a differcnce in-pines that grading rules csnnot couer.
No grading system can indicate the texture of the wood or the stand'ards of searoning "ttd manufacture. These factors are important to the builder arrd the industrial user. The texture is developed by Nature's pattern of growth. Moisture content and uniformity of manufacture depend upon the method of milling, handling and shipment.
There is often a greater difference in size, texture, weight, resin content and limb growth between trees of the same species gro\,vn in different localitieg than th6 difterence between botanical species.
Red River's extensive forests were carefully selected for quality, in the early days when tfiere was wide opportunity for choice and rejection. RED RMR CALIFORNIA PINE (ponderosa) in this region is large bodied and has grown with exceptionally light weight, soft uniform texture, and bright color. RED RMR SUGAR
PINE is equal to the best from other localities.