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Boketaver Bunr Lmbcr Co, Chamber ol Conncrcc Btdr..""PRdFGt @lf

Chanbcrlin & Co.' !\f. R.'

!l' llfcst Ninth St. ."""""""Tucker l'l3l

Dolbecr & Carro Luber Co.,

12! Shctl BuiLlhg..'......... .....'VAndlkc t7!2

Hohcr Eurda Lmber Co-,

?05-A Architects Bldg. ...........'Muhral 70te

Hrhn{d Lubcr Co., z.f0 llo Alu€& SL ...'..."....PRGPGGI ?l?t

Hwcr, A. L'

700 Sc Ia Bra Avc. ................YOdr lrot tlwrue-Phflipc Luba Co.,

Gtt Pctrolm Sccritle! Bldg....PRo€Ecct t2t

Ldg-BcIl Lmbcr Sala CorDmtio'

?i!t Pctrolam scroitio Bl&....PRocpect t'l6t

McCcni& Ch!!. R.' Lmbcr Cc'

?tZ W. M. Garland Btdr............TRiritv Sar lr? Wct tth St. ....'..."......"VAdilc a,lta

Dtullit!! & Co., W. J.

Pacific Lrmbq Co., Thc

?00 So. I: Bra Avc..................YOrk r13tl

Patten-Bliu Luber Co, 52r E. sth SL ....................VAndika 2321

Ro, JecL, tOl Pctroleu Sewitlag Bldg....PRcpcct 5cGl

Red Rivr Lmbcr Co.,

702 E. Slarrm .,.AXridrc tc?r

Suta Fe Lmbcr Co, 311 Fimial Cents Bldgr..........TRinity tt2f

Schafer Bru. Lumber & Shingle Co,

,OE Petroleu Seruitlcr Bldg...,PRspcct 5l?t

Sudden & Cbristenro, 30t Petrc:m Seoritier Eldg.....PRcfcct SfJl

Unlon Lmbcr Co., Lanc Mortlagc Bl&. ,.............TRhttt 22O

Wendlint-Natbu Co., ?O Sq h Bu Aw. .................YO* lrat

Wctnrheanc Sels Co., llo Pctrcl,em !9mlticr Bldr....PRo{Gct 55t0


Coopar, W. E. L -bcr Co, zdl5 E. f5th St .................,PR€pccr 5l3D

Hmond l-rurbcr Co., 20rC So. Alucdt SL........,....PRcFGt 7t7t

IrugHin, C. J3itzt Whhirc Blvd. .,...........EXporido ?f,t3 St ntoq E. J. & Sd, 2080 Est ltth Stnet .....,.......AXridsc r2r1


H.hmd Lrubcr Co. 2010 So. Aluc& St....,.,....,..PRoFct ?l?t

Kehl, Jno W. & So+ Ga Sc llym St .................AN3cilu lofl

Rcd Rivr Lunbcr Co., 7t2 E. 9lanro ..Axrldro lilt


Cdtrmh Pelol I Vuoor C.o., 65 tb ALn.dr 'lL ................TRbttt E?

House Flag Now Flying From Giant Plane

The house flag of the McCormick companies is now fly: ing from a new craft-a giant Amphibi&n-a ship of the air which will be used by McCormick officials in connection with the supervision of extensive lumber, logging and steamship operations on the Pacific Coast.

The plane is a giant Sikorsky amphibian type monoplane, and is especially well adapted to the requirements of the company in that it will alight with equal grace and ease on land or water, making it possible to land close to their mills which are located entirely on water, miles distant from improved landing fields. It is equipped with a 300-horsepower Wasp whirlwind motor, mounted above the single wing, carries five passengers and eqiripment and has a cruising speed of 100 miles an hour with a cruising radius of 4O0 miles.

The ship will be used by the McCormick officials for trips to and from sawmills at Port Ludlow, Port Gamble and St. Helens; three logging camps in Washington, and extensive timber stands in Cowlitz, Mason, Pierce, Jefferson and Kitsap Counties in Washington, as well as in connection with the McCormick Steamship operations in the Northwest.

The plane will be flown principally by Paul S. Freydig, logging manager for the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Company, with headquarters in Seattle and Portland. Mr. Freydig is a pilot of long experience. He holds a transport license and a Group 1 rating in the United States Army Air Corps Reserve, in which he is a commissioned Captain. Mr. Freydig received his flying training prior to the World War and during the War was an Army Air Corps instructor.

Officials of the company feel that the plane will not only assist in speeding up business generally, but is a step forward in modern forest conservation work and fire prevention. Valuable timber stands of the Northwest will be made safer from the appalling ravages of fire, by the vigilant patrol service of the plane.

According to the officials of the company, the McCormick Companies, during all the period of the depression, have been employing several thousand men in camps and mills, as well as in connection with the steamship operations. Their payrolls and operating expenses run well into the millions every year. The McCormick Steamship Company is one of the few shipping lines which withdrew no vessels from operation during the depression.

Opens Sales Office

Little America

Our Iceberg land, to thee, Chill realm of mystery, To thee I sing; I love thy plains of snow, Stained by Aurora's glow; To scarp, and cliff, and floe, My fancies cling.

Our new possession, thou, Strange visions haunt me now, Thy wastes I see; I see thy spouting whales, I hear thy roaring gales, All that the distance veils. Is clear to me.

Our glist'ning southern pole, Though thou ar't not my goal, I hail thee now!

I love thy stretch of light, Varied by lingering night; Each awesome sound and sight, I love, but how?

Our wee America, This will I rise to say, "Bright be thy star!" Long may our heroes tell, Of thy alluring spell, Long may I love thee wellWell, but-afar !

A. Merriam Conner.

Lumberman Promotes Skiing

The best known name in connection with the sport and pastime of skiing in California is that of Wendell T. Robie, of the Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn, president of the Auburn Ski Club.

Through Mr. Robie's efforts the Auburn Ski Club was formed some years ago, and this organization is rapidly educating the public of California to the enjoyment of winter sports in general and skiing in particular. Since the development of the new highway the club's ski grounds are within easy motoring distance of the San Francisco Bay district and interior Valley points.

Mr. Robie has been very active during the past winter sports season. He organized the ski tpurnament at Berkeley early this year. For this an artificial ski hill had to be constructed and many carloads of snow had to be brought from the High Sierras for the skiers. He also was responsible for the organization of the Auburn Ski Club Championship Tournament held at Cisco Ski Club, February 17 and 18.

is assistant sales Lakeview, Ore.,

Buzard-Burkhart Pine Co. have opened a sales office at 607 Crocker Bldg., San Francisco. R. T. Buzard is manager and sales manager, and L. J. Carr manager. The company's new mill is at and they expect to start sawing April 10.

It is interesting to note that Roy Nikkelsen, former United States champion, is employed by the Auburn Lumber Co.

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