2 minute read
The NEW Sprins Edition of the SUPPLEMENTED Lumbermen's Credit Rating Book
This new CONSOLIDATED credit rating book of the Lumberments Red & Blue Book Service contains
Hundreds of New Names
Thousands of ChangesMany Changes in Ratings
If you sell to manufacturers of lumber or allied products; or to wholesale or retail dealers thercin; or to furniture factories or other woodworking plants, you should have this Supplemented Credit Rating Boo& in your ofrce to guide you in soliciting orders and finally passing on credits. ft costs as little as 31.85 a week.
The TWICE-A-Veek Supplements to t{re book give you CONTINUOUS RATING SERVICE on ALL narnes, even if yotr haventt requested a special report.
You get the benefit of our TRACER system of gathering informationo and of the thousands of Delinquent [.Jnpaid Accountc Reports received monthly ftom shippersboth EXCLUSIVE features of Lumbermen'E Red & Blue Book Sewice.
Vrite our nearest oftce fo'r descriptive folder No. 60 and APPROVAL order card. Ve will gldly send t{re NEW book, TWICE.A-WEEK Supplements and a few "Special" Reports on 30 days APPROVAL to any responcible concetn.
608 So. Dcarborn St., Chicago 99 WallSt., New York City
Lumber Yard For
Los Angeles and Southern California lumber yards for sale. Address Box C-480. Care California Lumber Merchant.
A position by young man of good habits, experienced in yard and office work both retail and wholesale lumber business. Can run bookkeeping and billing machine, also has bank experience. Will go anywhere. References'given. Address C-505, The California Lumber Merchant.
Position Wanted
12 years' experience in the Retail Lumber and Building Material business-also experienced in Paint and Building Hardware. Can furnish first class references and bond. Will take anything for a start, will go anywhere. Address J. W. Haynes, 109 E. Lexington Dr., Glendale Calif.
Wanted Posttt9n
Position wanted by experienced lumberman-retail or wholesale-Pine and Hardwoods, as foreman, inspector, yard or office. Address Box C-507, California Lumber Merchant.
For Lease
Warehouse equipped complete for handling of lumber and lumber products. 80x135 feet, double frontage, on Santa Fe Siding. Desks, safe and office space included. Apply Roy E. Harrington, care California Moulding Co., 1306 West 58th Street, Los Angeles.
Retail Lumberman
Well recommended with many years' experience in yard management, selling and plan estimating, desires responsible position with reputable firm. Address Box C-503, care California Lumber Merchant.
Lumberman seeks connection as Bookkeeper-Stenographer or small yard manag'er. Experienced in yard and office management in California. Will g'o anywhere. Address Box 506. California Lumber Mer,chant.
LUMBER SALESMAN retail lum connection. C-508, care
Another New Clean Up and Paint Up Window Display
Another of the r.ew 1934 window displays, made in ten brilliant colors with thirteen color efiect, size )5 inches high by 3) inches wide, with space for imprint, die-cut and packed in individual cartons, for mailing or shipping, which is being made available for 1934 use to promote the sale of paint, hardware, seeds, lumber, and building materials, and to increase employment. These displays are being sold on a cooperative price basis, intended to cover only cost and handling, by the National Clean Up and Paint Up Carnpaign Bureau, 220l New York Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C., frorn which a colored descriptive circular and price list may be obtained upon request.