1 minute read

and Ceilings frorn stock Insulation Board

o Two sutfaces of distinction on every board help to make Celotex first choice for Interior Finish work. One surface is sanded smooth and the other side has the original and unusual Celotex texture.

Effective designs and pafterns are possible by simple grooving and beveling. By this means joints are easily disguised and become part of the design. Celotex maybe painted, stenciled, ot carved, if desired.

Both sides are easy to groove with the special tool which the Celotex representative can tell you about. Vhen both surfaces are used in designing wall and ceiling areas, in combination with stencil designs and Celo,tex Ornamentg unlimited decorative efiects are possible.

Be sure to learn t{re sto'ry of Celotex Intedor Finish. Ask your Celotex representative or write us direct.


919 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago' Illinoir

ExclusiorAll Celotex Cane Fibre Producc are manufactured under tlre Ferox Process (patented) and therefore efrectively resirt damage by Fungus Growth, Dry Rot, and Termites.

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