1 minute read


Lumber Mouldings Cut Stocks Box Shook Plywood

High standards of manufacture and seasoning are main- Fonttg on grade alone. Build vow trade on Good Will tained in the Red River mill, factories, dry kilns and by giving the consumer a little rnore for his money. yards at Westwood' with an annual capacity of -250 mil' iio,, to.ra ru.t. co'Lio"* y""'r-"ig "J.'"ti"i kee-ps 0"5:ro#Yfft"lXt[? "-tST" t*T"Yli"t **:**i the yard stocks well assorted and permits prompt service assortment of stock with the minimum inventory and on specral orderE. capital investrnent.

Now Is The Time To Buy And

PLYWOOD, WALLBOARD (California Pine, a dis- tinct quality product) YARD and INDUSTRIAL LUMBER, PATTERN STOCK, MOULDINGS, CUT STOCK, With code prices equdizing the cost, it pays to be par' produced and loaded at one point. Prompt shipment on ticular about the factors that can not be assured when specified date.

Sell Quality

"Producerr of White Pine for Threc Generationr"

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